This was a request by THIRSTYGNOME I think it is AWESOME!!!! Now there are a few things I would like to mention before I release this. I hid the main title text so it is all clean and black Also this is for the hard core tweaker's who love black themes. I'm giving you this warning now cause I don't want any one saying. I can't do this or I can't do that with this theme it's slick black as a matter of fact hahaha!!! Please leave a comment.
I enjoy this theme except for one thing I noticed. I'm not using transparency because it's really not my thing, but I love how black the theme is. Though for some reason when I select an item in the menus it changes the selected text to black with a black background. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or if I could alter that in some configuration somewhere in my system.
Awesome theme, except one question.
How can i get transparancy in apps like nautilus etc? is there an extension for that? i like the darkness, but a bit transparancy everywhere makes it more sleek ;)
Ratings & Comments
I enjoy this theme except for one thing I noticed. I'm not using transparency because it's really not my thing, but I love how black the theme is. Though for some reason when I select an item in the menus it changes the selected text to black with a black background. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or if I could alter that in some configuration somewhere in my system.
Awesome theme, except one question. How can i get transparancy in apps like nautilus etc? is there an extension for that? i like the darkness, but a bit transparancy everywhere makes it more sleek ;)
Thanks man yeah I use this extension: focus-effects-extension
you can use focus effect see