Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
From the screenshots:
GNOME Shell theme: White
GTK theme: White
Icon theme: Mine-Yosemite
Font: Sans Francisco (SFNS) Display 11
Related contents:
- Mine-Yosemite (Icon theme) :
- Dark Mode (Shell theme) :
Feel free to send suggestion and feedback.
- Cinnamon theme added.
- Some tweaks.
- GNOME-shell tweaks.
- Fixes tab issue.
- Other minor tweaks.
- Rev. 2: makes chat notifications easier to read.
- Fixes gtk-2.0 errors and some other minor tweaks.
- OSD and a few Dark theme adjustments.
- Some other minor tweaks.
- Fixes error messages in systemd.
- Fixes Firefox tooltip black text issue.
- Sets default GNOME Shell font to San Francisco.
3.18.d, e, f, g, h
- Widgets refinement.
- Starting these version, the theme was developed under both Fedora 23 and Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 betas GNOME 3.18.
- NOTICE: Transparencies are back. User who doesn't prefer it could rename 'gtk-widgets.css' in '~/.themes/White/gtk-3.0' to something else; then rename 'gtk-widgets-plain.css' to 'gtk-widgets.css'.
- Some 3.18 corrections
- Removed transparency from Inactive window.
The 1st two digits are the GNOME Shell version. The 3rd letter is the built version of the theme.
Originally White theme was built for GNOME and Shell 3.16.
This theme was created under Fedora 22.
Ratings & Comments
Attention everyone just wanted to give you a heads up GTK 3.20 changes like 80-90% of things and everyone has to re-write their themes to work with it! on top of this... They have made things pretty complicated and messy meaning less and less people may be included or even know how to work on themes. So I encourage all of you to have a word with Gnome... And tell them they keep breaking everything! every 6 mouths and you think it just ridiculous!
Hi hakamybs, It looks like you'll have to do some improvements and code changes on your work as it doesn"t work properly while Gnome 3.20 is slowly introduced in most of Linux distributions. I experience by myself some display issues due to some code parts which are deprecated, so I fixed some of them by myself but my knowledge is limited... Hope you'll have time to fix all this stuff soon enough, would be great... And of course if you're interested in, I can send you parts I've already done... ;) Greetings.
Hey guys, to the present day, this theme doesn't provide full integration with Ubuntu 16.04, so, to fully work with the Unity desktop enviroment just copy and paste the "unity" folder of the theme "Ultra-Flat Yosemite Light" to the White folder and change the gtk.css to gtk-dark.css for the dark theme be the default. For those who want to test it, i here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B--QuuXo0Q78N3h5OEt4R20yZlU/view?usp=sharing
Please, this theme is awesome, hope the release of the update version.
I loved your White theme, but since updating Gnome to version 3.20 I can only use Adwaita. The new GTK broke backwards compatibility :( Hopefully you can update it soon
I love the theme, unfortunatly it doesn't play nice with wingpanel in Elementary os Freya, it makes the complete right half of the wingpanel disappear
Hi, how do you change the window controls to the left?
I really love this theme, the only thing I don't like is the apple in the upper left corner. Is there a way to change it to a penguin, maybe, or some other linux distro logo?
navigate to folder_where_the_themes_are_stored/White/gnome-shell/assets/ and change the distributor.svg and distributor-active.svg pictures.
Thank you, I did it and now I have this image (space invaders): https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/958202/invader_space_icon#size=128
Haha, nice picture!
Hi My Friend, Ripping out the logo probably means you like the theme but you want to forget its origins. Why? Don't get me wrong though, I respect your option.
I'm aware this theme (like many others) is inspired in the colours, forms and other things from iOS, but my box is still using Linux, so I'd prefer to have something more ad-hoc. The best thing about Linux is you can take things you like from many sources and get them together, so I'm just trying to do so.
"The best thing about Linux is you can take things you like from many sources and get them together, so I'm just trying to do so" Among other things that's why I like Linux myself. Best regards
I downloaded White theme and put it into /usr/share/themes Then I selected White them in gnome-tweak-tools But I dont see like Mac OS buttons on widndows, it looks like Adwaita default theme http://i64.tinypic.com/23gxx52.png Can you help me? Arch Linux 4.3.3 Gnome 3.18
Try to extract the archive again. Make sure all the files extracted correctly.
Archive was downloaded from this page Its size is 790144 bytes Files under archive: cinnamon, gnom-shell, gtk-2.0, gtk-3.0, metacity-1, index.theme All folders in archive have content inside. So, I think it was unpacked correctly, but still does not work :(
extract the archive into ~/.themes
Works! Perfect! Many thanks! By why it does not work when placed in /usr/share/themes ?
It's possibly due to user permission issue.
We need some more themes on here for the ladies! Pretty pastel ones. I like the white, you should make it in all pastels. That'd be amazeballs. There are some super cool chicks out there who use linux as their OS you know. ;)
Hi, I have little problem on Nautilus with Ubuntu Gnome 3.16. When open Nautilus, I have this: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOizjTzYnG8Tg1LsG7VLJyciUMNNSgoYGyuCHVkh4AiNsshD3z4_KsgLRHiwOkWeg/photo/AF1QipPMRwYx78xwPzl3CETgIHWO8bucXxu-wXMsJTG8?key=NEN6TDhwdFlWSWU1UlhYU193dTVWZk9seENvdWhn&hl=it But when I downsize the window, the situation is this: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOizjTzYnG8Tg1LsG7VLJyciUMNNSgoYGyuCHVkh4AiNsshD3z4_KsgLRHiwOkWeg/photo/AF1QipMP7Vvoiu1FLMbuj8-KDcnP2GpG_XYIJtdULiyC?key=NEN6TDhwdFlWSWU1UlhYU193dTVWZk9seENvdWhn&hl=it the background color change from white to grey and there is no more difference between the background and the left menu. Can you help me? Thank's a lot. PS. Congratulation for you work
Upgrade your Ubuntu to GNOME 3.18 (via PPA), In-sha-Allah that will solve your problem.
In my top 5 best for Cinnamon. Thanks for reporting those issues guys. Keep looking for more. It's been freshly ported to Cinnamon so it's understandable.
Okay. It it's been ported to Cinnamon recently. I'm sure the developer will address these issues. Please report any issue you encounter. Thank you all.