Actually I modified the famous classic 'aurora' engine for my buttons, made them bluish, like in win7 (vista). The progressive bar is picked up from a KDE distro - it's a water-like blue flow ...
The theme was tried also on LMDE (LXDE) and XFCE with some corrections in the script and install to : /usr/share/themes/...
Recently added a bisoft-panel with the 'Apple' start-button and transparent bottom panel for my theme (win7-greenish and black Vista, also images for the top and bottom XFCE panels). You may extract separately only /bisoft-panel anywhere on /home/user/... find and locate it via the panel-properties of your distro ... or read more here ./themes/bisoft-win7/bisoft-panel/ -> the text file Change-PanelFontColor.txt will guide U.
This theme perfectly works with my icon pack :
Good Luck

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