Description: A theme with glossy buttons and dark panel. Buttons come in two different colours.
It uses gtk2-engines-pixbuf (pixmap)
The theme is based on SlicknesS by TheRob
Some basic aspects of the theme have been taken of following themes. TechniX by TheRob (e.g panel.rc), Overglossed by TheRob (e.g. menu)
It uses the glossy buttons of H2O-gtk-Saphire by Eric Reitz (link not found. I downloaded it years ago at I think)
Metacity inside: NoNameRetro by twrock ( this fits together very wellLast changelog:
1.2: Changed tabs and listheaders 1.1: Fixed metacity inside
It's a great job(voted good), I like the contrast between dark and bright colors(especially the progressbar). Please, could you change the blue panel-menu for a black one? Thank by advance! :-)
Thanks, but i don't know if i'll do this.
New upload for only a detail and i like the menu.
But i'm going to think about this.
In case of need.. privatly.. if i have time ;-)
Ratings & Comments
absolutely wonderful the greatest job all over the world you*ve done I love it very much
Thanx :-) No surprise, it's my only one till now ;-)
It's a great job(voted good), I like the contrast between dark and bright colors(especially the progressbar). Please, could you change the blue panel-menu for a black one? Thank by advance! :-)
Thanks, but i don't know if i'll do this. New upload for only a detail and i like the menu. But i'm going to think about this. In case of need.. privatly.. if i have time ;-)
Thank you very much. It's nice to read that you like it :-)
Very good theme
This is a very nice looking theme :-)