Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Qui sono i link per i pacchetti di iceWMCP di SUSE 11.2: Ed una buona notizia: non bisogna più sostituire (EXPAND+FILL) per EXPAND | FILL (già è fatto).
Ottima notizia!!
This theme is very nice. I saw that it was created using Icepref2, which is part of the Icewm control panel suite. I tried to install it (Icepref - the theme works fine - I'm using antiX/Debian) but saw that both its python code as well as the gtk references are too old so it doesn't work. I'm not a programmer so I don't know how to re-write it. Are you using Icepref2 in a modern system or did you create this theme some years ago? If you're using it now, how did you manage to make it work? Thanks and have a nice day.
I had made a guide (in Italian) /articles.php?lng=it&pg=1036
Grazie tante! Già ho marcato come favorito il site. Il mio italiano non è perfetto ma posso capire un pò e Google viene in aiuto. Andrò a provare i suoi suggerimenti.