Several notes:
1) Calibri font is included in the theme folder, but you must copy the files to /usr/share/fonts to properly view this theme. If there is a problem with including the font like this, I can remove it.
2)Default background is one in screenshot 1280x1024. If you want to change it, edit the last line of default.theme to point to yours. Again, if there is a problem including this in the file, I will remove it.
Please leave feedback and report bugs

Ratings & Comments
okay first thanks for a great theme now can it be used in openbox and if so how do i do that i have tried but i cant figure it thanks
This one can't - it's an IceWm theme. Look in the Openbox theme section. Good luck . Most I find are pathetic.
Vista again?
LOL. It's really a fix of my old one, done by request and because I wanted to. I also have a Mandriva clone that someone requested. I'll release another original theme soon, I promise :P.
I absolutely love this theme. It is awesome!
Hey, I hate Vista as much as the next guy, and I was tempted to respond likewise, but let's not forget that this implementation will absolutely run mega-rings around the real Vista in the performance department any day -- and there's no need to plunk down a huge wad of money for a copy of Vista or a new computer, either. Microsoft, er, I mean Micro$haft...put this in your pipe and smoke it!