WARNING: Do not view this image without the glasses, as the frequency modulation can detrimentally alter brain chemistry without them. Do not view this image while driving or operating heavy machinery.Last changelog:
Post-hypnotic regression testing yielded data which was applied for finer tuning
I absolutely LOVE Dune, but this wallpaper doesn't grab me. You need to get rid of the subject, and replace her with a quasi-abstract National Geographic-like photo of a nomad who is indigenous to the Middle East... Preferable looking over his or her shoulder, with a bit of a frown; while standing about about 3-8 meters away. THEN colour the eyes. That would be a beautifull, and striking composition. (and would link Dune to our world MUCH more effectively)
It looks like the licensing was changed slightly (check above discussion). Other than that, I can't tell. The image looks about the same, and honestly I'm not sure ley should change anything. The wallpaper seems perfect as-is.
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3 i love that comments
I absolutely LOVE Dune, but this wallpaper doesn't grab me. You need to get rid of the subject, and replace her with a quasi-abstract National Geographic-like photo of a nomad who is indigenous to the Middle East... Preferable looking over his or her shoulder, with a bit of a frown; while standing about about 3-8 meters away. THEN colour the eyes. That would be a beautifull, and striking composition. (and would link Dune to our world MUCH more effectively)
and dune is great, but the wallpaper itself isnt that beautiful... ;-)
Were you wearing the glasses? If not, then "Put on the glasses!!"
the download link is not working
is not working since day 1.
then why don't it get fixed
well, this wallpaper is shown as update, but what has updated there? or is it to bring this wallpaper on top again?
It looks like the licensing was changed slightly (check above discussion). Other than that, I can't tell. The image looks about the same, and honestly I'm not sure ley should change anything. The wallpaper seems perfect as-is.
LoL!! "Emperor's new desktop", eh? Talk about imagination :-) --R