A Nice Dream
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other Wallpaper Other:
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Ratings & Comments
Does anyone know how to simulate a scrambled cable porn look? The inversion helps, but I need it to be slightly out of sync horizontally/vertically like the scrambled look. Any help would be appreciated. -Pat (pdubb@aol.com)
But I don't like censorship. Make a better porn-kderelated-wallpaper and I'll rate it. That is really a bad work, gimp lets you make better images!!!!
There is the moderator ? Ban this people
Looks like a 13 year old found a pr0n site and is playing with Gimp. I wonder how Wilbur the Gimp feels about this. Can this please be taken down. I mean anyone who's been on the net for more then 2 days can find all the pr0n the want..please let's not have them find it here.
I'm sure most people will get on a soap box about the image itself, I'm just wondering about the copyright. Even if you are the webmaster that this image is partially derivative of, how can this possibly be distributed under GPL? The download link is just the wallpaper itself. Where's the "source"? People really need to think about licensing, before they just start randomly posting images everywhere. BTW, What's The Kauze?
WTF IS UP WITH YOU PEOPLE! This site needs some form of moderation before it shows up on the main page. BAN THESE PEOPLE.
The Käuze used to mean something, now what is the purpose of this shit?