no cash, no fun?
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
It's pretty funny, but you almost have to be slovenian to understand it. Hvala za kul sliko!
And I'm not Slovenian. Nice picture though. :)
To se mi zdi zelo dobro za promocijo Slovenije;-) sicer pa bistva te slike ne razumem cist...
smisle te slike je preprost: to je parodija na dejstvo, da se razprodajamo. "adaptable colors" se nanaša na prilagodljivost politike, pri "including" je nekaj naših najboljših firm, za elana ne vem, èigav je sedaj, peko so "pofentali", nkb se pa zdaj prodaja; "adaptable to...": naša prilagodljivost tujim gospodarjem, kar amerièani oz. eu reèe, to se zgodi. "fresh": komaj smo samostojni, pa nas že kmalu ne bo veè.
I guess you have a typo at the bottom. I think you might want to say "adaptable to" not "adabtable to"
thanks, I've fixed it now!
althow this site is dedicated to wallpapers, this picture was not ment as a wallpaper, I just wanted to submit it by sarcastical reasons.
but I won't use it as wallpaper. It would distract me too much from my work.