If you want different colours, ask me and I'll try to do them.
This is the first of many more to come!
WARNING! The following wallpaper contains explicit RED BLOOD CELLS!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
Damn! I hate it when that happens ¬¬ I'll fix it
Though I'm a little frustrated (:) ). Is it possible that you make a 1920x1200 version ? Thanks to have shared, and good idea !
Sure do! There is a new 1900x1200 version. To be honest, I'm not quite good at resizing, so I hope it looks good and not too pixelated. Now, for anyone wondering: Why is the wallpaper purple? Why it has only 4 erythrocites? Why isn't the blood vessel red or blue? Well, guess what? It is a capillary! Where the blood releases it's oxygen and starts it's way back to the heart!
Well, no problem for the pixels but it seems there are two white or transparent lines left on half bottom left and half top right sides of the BG. Thanks anyway.
FIXED! (think so) Thanks for reporting that anomaly in the wallpaper!
Ok, cool ! Thanks, it's fixed !
Blood Flow 2 is shown in the first screenshot (the one in 3D) Original Blood Flow is in the Second screenshot. I made a bigger version because I thought it looked a little bit big on my laptop :P