Gnome Foot Nebula
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Ratings & Comments
IMHO: I think I imagine the Horsehead Nebula (some call it "the horsey") in such mysterious ethereal awe that it's difficult for me to enjoy this. But to each his own. Go check out the Butterfly Nebula (and environs) for yourself, with your own 'scope. BTW: also IMHO: I've never considered the elegance of Unix/Linux to be well iconified by penguins and feet. Icons like Arch's are visually much better. But I'm just spouting PERSONAL taste. Hmmm, a "Swiss Army Knive" is more descriptive, but too complex. A good icon for Linux is a hard problem. Surely, others have struggled with this. Can anyone point to what they consider to be good/better ideas?
Hi ! Thanks for your feedback ! First of all I never wanted to bring the Horsehead Nebuala into ridicule (Why should I ?) See it as an homage to its beautiness. About the Logo: I think i know what you mean. But beside of being elegant, i think Linux is really fun to work with, and logos like penguins, feet, little devils etc. may reflect that. Well, maybe there are better logos, but once a trademark is established, its hard to change it (And the Gnome Logo has already left his FOOTprints all over the world). Funny little things, logos...
We're on the same side here. Its only that I've been meaning to moan about the penguins and feet logos. I know nothing will be accomplished except sour grapes. So this seemed like as good a time as any. Thanks for letting me cry. But, such an elegant, sophisticated system with such insipid logos...sigh. All this shell scripting and multitasking and versatility and simplicity and reliability and more and more ... and less ;-) sigh ... and a penguin?????
The idea is so great ! If you simple negate the gnome logo, from the nebula photo, (and little bit blur) the result is genial. (i think so.)