Broken windows v.2
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
omg! nice... did you know Microsoft invested in tobbaco companys? Yeah awsome wallpaper!!!.. microsoft sure do kill.. just look at the price of vista mawhahaha.
guys, let's be polite here. i think the wallpaper is original and if anyone objects, i think you should just stick a bumper sticker on it with KDE written in bald. just let that idiot shut up.
It's a nice fun one and I like it. I'm not much of one to point out artistical flaws, but the letters on the top of the box :) Don't bother with it though, it's good as it is.
About as much as most of the other wallpapers that are posted here have to do with kde, namely zilch. Being wallpapers, why should they have to be in some way connected to kde. It is just your snide way of saying you don't like it and think that you may be able to get it taken down. You don't like it then don't download it . It is as simple as that. Grow up. John. (by the way, 70yrs young)
Just for record, most ( at least 95%) of the wallpaper pictures here ARE kde related, and even have the KDE logo on them, after all Moron, this is a KDE LOOK site, not a "post your opinion of Microsoft" Website. So why don't you just STFU and KMA. There. BaVinic
Oh Come on, let's get orignal here, not only is this picture useless, it is not at all orignal. and has what to do with KDE??