I would really appreciate any comments

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Added seamless edges for Beryl!
Added several resolutions and colors!
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
link seems to be broken or something.
It's fantastic! :)
i like it but id like to request one without the ubuntu logo, so that i can put tux or something there myself. the brown 1680x1050 is th eone id like without logo if possible :)
I added a 1680x1050 without a logo just for you ;) Now I'm all our of spaces to add more :( If you want more please request them here, I'll add them on my website here>>:http://www.abadtooths.com/glossyubuntu.html
wohoo thanks a lot, its beautiful :)
what about 1680x1050 and more colors? :D some dark grey/blue would be great! great work!
Added all three colors in the 1680x1050 format ;) (Wish my monitor was that size :D 17" stinks X_x)
yeah! thank you! and yes a 22" wide screen is great! ;-)
Thanks man,now its perfect for my green theme. ;-)*amazed*
I'm glad you like it :D
I will try and make a few more wallpapers in various sizes and colors, thanks for the tip with the Ubuntu pallet ;)
its will be cool if you will do a green ver..
Green version added ;)
I really like this but I have a 1440X900 wide screen. 1600X1200 pixels seems to works OK also. Could you make one that would work for me?
added a 1440x900 ;) pretty tired from being at the aquarium, so I might not get many more done tonight :(
Any chance of getting a blue version? :) Nice wallpaper dude.
Sure, I'll get to work on a few different color schemes here in just a bit :D
Blue one has been added, although I'm not so sure I did a good job on the colors :(
I can't download it :( Anyways, use the ubuntu palette so the colors remain similar.
are you still having trouble getting the image?
Very nice wallpaper, colors, round back, and logo. I'd love 1280*1024 please.
How about a 1280x1024 ver? :)
There you go 1280x1024 ;) I hope it looks good, I had to remake the top and bottom curves again :P
Thank you!