Description: Besides being purple, I thought the original Edgy wallpaper was also too plain for my tastes...
So I've made it a bit "busier", so to speak, for my personal use, and decided to share it, just in case someone else likes it too.
(I risk being redundant in saying this, but I cannot take full credit for the whole work, since the only thing that required effort of my part was the eft.)
Constructive criticism is appreciated, as always. Thanks for viewing!Last changelog:
Nice background but the harsh white text ruins it, fade it to blue a bit make it more transparent. Plain red/white/black/blue for text this day and age is a not good.
Ratings & Comments
very good work !! perhaps in 1280x800 for widescreen? ++
There it is... Thank you very much for your comment!
thx a lot for you ! ++
The best wallpaper for kubuntu :D
Hey, thanks for your support!
Nice background but the harsh white text ruins it, fade it to blue a bit make it more transparent. Plain red/white/black/blue for text this day and age is a not good.
I'll try that... but I prefer to agree with your signature! ;P Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Absolutely awesome wallpaper, big thanks ;)
Well I should thank you... Glad to hear you like it!
Excellent! Just what i was looking for Thank You!
Happy to oblige! =D Thanks a lot!