Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* recommend using wave-repack/gtk-2.0/Panel/panel_background_m4l_25px.png for gnome-panel background.
* requires murrine engine in addition to the pixmap engine, for:
** fast-user-switch-applet to not ignore the panel back ground
** progress bars
#Customizations include (but not limited to):
+ reduced metacity title from 23 to 20 px.
+ added odd row and column color for gtk tree
+ Added 'insensitive' overlay images for buttons, combo-boxes, check/radio buttons.
+ Changed insensitive text color from black to shade of blue
+ Panel has a fix for 'fast-user-switch' applet (using murrine engine there).
+ Progress bar uses murrine engine
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wallpaper is here --> http://www.vladstudio.com/wallpaper/?astronaut