Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
There are eight colour variations(Clearlooks, Human, Crux, Dark Green, Red Wine, Storm Cloud, MoonOS and U-lite), two gradients(glossy and flat) and two shapes(round and square).
Fluid is a heavy modification of Murrina Crystal.
You will need the latest Murrine Engine to run this theme.
Suggestions on ways to improve Fluid are always welcome.
fixed menu background(now uses window background)
updated U-lite colour scheme(tooltip now uses selected background as it's background)
added the colour scheme I designed for the U-lite distro(http://u-lite.org/).
Added a colour scheme that uses the colours of MurrinaStormCloud(http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MurrinaStormCloud?content=61418)
Added my own colour scheme called Red Wine
Added a dark green colour scheme that matches A-MoonOS-GrDk(http://www.e17-stuff.org/content/show.php/A-MoonOS-GrDk?content=100597&PHPSESSID=8849e9cc8fe2da3d7d4e5d817bfea240
Added versions of all styles, shapes and colours, that have coloured buttons
Fixed a few things with the flat themes
Added square versions of both the glossy and the flat themes
Added flat themes
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for your response I guess it's just me but lots of the Murrina based themes look more or less the same bar the colors and basic engine options... Anyway Good Luck with it :)
I hope you do not take this the wrong way but when you say heavy modification of murrina crystal.. what exactly do you mean ? The color schemes are always easily implemented with murrina and asides from that I do not see anything that is not achieved through the usual engine options. Or am I missing something? Care to enlighten me on this?
It was a long time ago that I did this but from what I remember, I changed some engine options and some widget specific properties(like roundness=10 on the progressbar). Plus when I made Fluid I did not know very much about gtk themes, so I may have done a lot that I cannot remember.
this is all rather than a professional theme... have you heard Teletubbies 2009?
I don't see the WORD "professional" anywhere in the description. I'm sorry you don't like my theme.
is not about your theme... is about the engine you've used for... but for moonOS this is a cat-pajamas. Nothing personally :)
Sorry I must have misread your post.
i've tried to install it on a suse 11.1 64 bit but there isn't the murrine package svn for 64 bit architectures...There is a way to install it? Thanks
I don't uses openSUSE or 64-bit but see if this works for you http://cmanon.com/blog/2009/02/13/opensuse-111-murrine-svn/
thanks but i've already tried that solution and it doesn't works on me.
Sorry I can't help. I hope you find a way to get it working.
how about a flat version?
That sounds like a good idea I will include a flat version in o.3
looking forward to it! thanks for making linux beautiful!