MacOS-X Aqua Theme

GTK2 Themes

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Installation guide :

[Part 1] GTK2 Theme

Step 1 : If you have got the old version before, then delete the old version.

rm -Rf ~/.themes/MacOS-X

if not, skip this step.

Step 2 : Unpack the downloaded file.

tar zxf 13548-Gnome_MacOS-X_Aqua_Theme_20040730.tar.gz

Step 3 : Move the entire folder named "MacOS-X" into ~/.themes

mv MacOS-X ~/.themes

[Part 2] Icon Theme

Step 1 : If you have got the old version before, then delete the old version.

rm -Rf ~/.icons/MacOS-X

if not, skip this step.

Step 2 : Unpack the downloaded file.

tar zxf Gnome_MacOS-X_Icon_Theme_20040730.tar.gz

Step 3 : Move the entire folder named "MacOS-X" into ~/.icons

mv MacOS-X ~/.icons


Finally, switch to this theme and enjoy it. ^_^


[ FAQ ]

question: the buttons for the window border being on the left,
is that a theme thing or can that be configured somewhere?

Answer: ( original tutorial by -fissy. )

using the "run program" action or a terminal, start gconf by typing:


and hitting enter.

This program is a bit like the registry editor for windows.

In the tree on the left you need to go to /apps/metacity/general/

There is then a key in the right pane called "button_layout"

edit this key so that it reads:



Last changelog:


Version 1.2.1 :

1. Fixed bugs found in gtk theme.

2. 72x72 and 96x96 icons added to Icon theme.

Version 1.2 :

1. Fixed some bugs of GTK2 theme.

2. Port the icon theme(only 48x48 and 64x64 icons) go along with the GTK2 theme.


Version 1.1 :

1. Parts of stock icons added.

2. do more works on "shaded" of the metacity.


It tested on RedHat 9.0, Fedora core 1 and Mandrake 10.0.

Ratings & Comments



How do they get the osx-like global menu on top? I run ubuntu mate, and the topmenu applet doesn't work very well, it doesn't show up at all in firefox. ???


I cant understand how to install this theme


as of 2016, you can unpack them (preserve the directory structure!!!) into one of two places on most linux systems: /usr/share/themes this location is system-wide or domain wide if the workstation uses a remote partition ~/.local/share/themes this location will install the theme for ONLY you and will work wherever this home directory is used (ie, if you use a remote home directory that can be accessed from a different workstation, it will work on that one too). NOTE: I dont recommend using /usr/local/themes because its not standard really and even if it is it only supposed to support the machine you are currently on but thats not really the case. More likely you will end up with a /usr/local dir even on a remote fs. The /usr/local is geared toward localally compiled and installed application components and executables, not resources that should be shared like graphics, themes, etc. NOTE 2: This information is correct to the best of my knowledge. To be sure how your system places files, refer to your OS's heir(7) manpage, usually pointing to the file-heirarcy(7) manpage. You can type 'man heir' to see it from any terminal! NOTE 3: To switch themes, use the 'Window Manager Settings' in the 'Settings Manager' under 'System' in the "whisker" menu (the xfce4 equivalent of the start menu at the lower left corner, usually). If you dont have a whisker menu or are still confused then you need to RTFM.


Hello, it's impossible download the icons. Could you re-upload them, please?


Nice theme, reviewed it on my blog with some extra ideas to make it look even better, you can check out my post here:


WOW, with that many downloads one would expect at least 10 fans. LOL This theme is great for a retro kind of look but could it be time for a Mac OSX #2. I think 1.7 million is a unbeatable record nice job. PS: Could that number be a typo?


This theme is ok looking, a very close mockup to what OSX looked like back in the Tiger days. I don't like it though. It's a personal preference really and I prefer something a little more modern. Great job with the design and implementation, but its just not my thing. :-)


Unter finden sich ebenfalls die drei nötigen Dateien, um das MacOS-X Aqua Theme zu installieren. Habe sie mal eingestellt, weil ich immer wieder Schwierigkeiten hatte, die Dateien herunterzuladen. Grüße Lollicruncher


How come the bottom toolbar does not show after I install this theme? I'm using Ubuntu 10.04


LOL... I'm guessin you are new to linux... not to worry, the dock you see at the buttom of the screen is probably Cairo Dock with a mac theme, you can get it form its website. Also you can try Docky or AWN, they are both pretty good and less bloated.


I first installed this theme using theme-manager, but without the missing icons. Now that I've found the new icon-links i wanted to install them too, but i get the message it can't be installed upon another folder. How to completely uninstall this theme to start all over again?


Gnome_MacOS-X_Icon_Theme_20040730 Wallpapers_Gnome_MacOS-X_Aqua


I hope you serve these links




the link of wallpaper don't work please upload to another mirror . ! I don't view the image !


This is wonderful. You simply click the links, right click your background, select themes then install it. And you're good to go.


The Icons from this wouldn't work. At all. So I went to that mirror someone posted, but that was expired! PLEASE, anyone with another mirror of the Icons, PLEASE post it!


if you like this then you should try out blackFuzz


When I moved the cursor above the start menu button, the text of the start button became white. Look at the bottom-left corner of the screenshot to see what I mean. This happened also when I moved the cursor above the window title on the taskbar, and also above some texts. Is there any way to fix that? The theme is great, but these white texts make it nearly unusable.


Sorry for double posting, I had problems with the internet connection.


When I move the cursor above the start button, its text becomes white. I've uploaded a screenshot that illustrates the problem. This happens also on any unfocused taskbar button, and on some texts. I'm on Jaunty btw. Any idea if it can be fixed? I'd really like to use this great theme, but those white text are a problem :(


Change the text in the file ~/.themes/MacOS-X/gtk-2.0/gtkrc line 20 to ----- fg[PRELIGHT]={0.00, 0.00, 1.00} or a color you prefered.


When I set the icons I did everything as the author said, but nothing changes on them. Why? Anyone can give me some help?


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Anyone still has icon pack for this theme or has a mirror hosting of it ?

0 Affiliates
version 1.2.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 7

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