Hardy Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Now quicker and lighter than 1.1!
New Emerald Themes(Standard and OSX-like edition)
New AWN theme
New GTK theme
and much more...
Enjoy! Comment and suggestions are very welcome!
This theme is a proposal for the artwork of the current Ubuntu release, Hardy Heron.
It is a complete theme pack:
*Gtk theme
*AWN Theme
*Emerald theme
*GDM theme
*conky theme
*Firefox Theme
*Compiz Fusion Settings
Installation howto into the readme
Thanks to Murrina-Dark by Xanderoby.
Thanks to darknoize for the emerald buttons.
Thanks to the mockup by willwill100:http://willwill100.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Mockup-Hardy-Heron-74511244
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
Install the theme with only one click!
(tested on Ubuntu 7.10 - Works perfectly)
RELEASED 2.0 Version
Added Emerald 1.1, so the version of the theme now is 1.1
Added conky theme
Added Compiz Fusion Settings (a compiz fusion profile with a selection of effects)
Added GDM Theme. Based on Glossy Human GDM
now this theme is integrative part of the official Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate:
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Hi, the theme looks very great... unfortunately it does not install on Hardy amd64... Any solution.... Best regards, Johannes
For amd64 i suggest the manual install procedure. The .deb is developed for 32bit Sorry!
Do you have the 1.1 version left?
if you replay to me, i tell you, i only download the last version 2 in deb, and install, and the ccsm is now orange with orange background in my machine. thanks for response ricnar
Thanks for the great theme. Here's my screenshot. :http://www.flickr.com/photos/27429964@N06/2556584220/
oops: hxxp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3280/2556584220_70f13a672d_b.jpg
Nice screenshot! I'm glad you like my theme! Cheers!
the letters in CCSM are not readable, are orange in a orange background, is a excellent job only have this minus problem. The tangerine theme don appear in the menu of firefox 3 rc1, maybe is installed in other location (for firefox 2 or so) thanks for the good job ricnar
i put the image here is orange font with orange background hxxp://www.subirimagenes.com/imagen-screenshot1-568011.html ricnar
This is a very good theme that I never meet before. But I have a problem that the fonts on the PANEL could not be changed.So does the fonts on the menu bar of the nautilus.
very strange.. try re-downloading the theme or try the .deb install, if you are able to use it! Thanks for trying my theme!
look contrast of colors and fonts in gnome "darklooks" theme, its better implemented
Love this theme..Im using this wall with it.. http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Hardy-BlackOrange?content=80058
Thank you! Nice wallpaper!
I'm really impressed with this theme. I noticed that the Mariux.profile refers to the following files which isnt part of the download packake. Are these files used in the theme? If so, how do I get them? s0_top_images = /home/mariux/Immagini/ubuntulion.jpg;/home/mariux/Immagini/Depth_Multicolor_Edit_by_MisterSquared.jpg;/home/mariux/Immagini/dragon.jpg;/home/mariux/Immagini/nothern-lights.jpg s0_bottom_images = /home/mariux/Immagini/ubuntulion.jpg;/home/mariux/Immagini/Depth_Multicolor_Edit_by_MisterSquared.jpg;/home/mariux/Immagini/dragon.jpg;/home/mariux/Immagini/nothern-lights.jpg
I could also not get firefox 3 to work well with this there. After doing sudo apt-get install firefox-themes-ubuntu , when I looked in Tools-AddOns, I couldnt find the tangerine theme. I tried closing all instances of firefox also.
the image files refers to the top cube images, i'll add them into the next release. You don't need tangerine theme in FF3 because it uses by default the GTK themes. Firefox theme is intended for FF2.
Hi Mariux, Having the used the theme for a few days now, among a whole lot of good things in this theme, I found 2 usability issues. Not very major but I thought I'll let you know just in case you think they are worth fixing. 1. The white text isnt quite visible against the orange backround. In the Update Manager for example, when its updating the packages the white text that says "Downloading update x of y" isnt visible behind the orange progress bar. 2. Open Advanced Desktop Effects settings ( compiz config settings manager). Notice that the text assiciated with the icons to the right pane is very faintly visible against the background. Are there fixable?
Hi Mariux, Having the used the theme for a few days now, among a whole lot of good things in this theme, I found 2 usability issues. Not very major but I thought I'll let you know just in case you think they are worth fixing. 1. The white text isnt quite visible against the orange backround. In the Update Manager for example, when its updating the packages the white text that says "Downloading update x of y" isnt visible behind the orange progress bar. 2. Open Advanced Desktop Effects settings ( compiz config settings manager). Notice that the text assiciated with the icons to the right pane is very faintly visible against the background. Are there fixable?
Hi Mariux, Having the used the theme for a few days now, among a whole lot of good things in this theme, I found 2 usability issues. Not very major but I thought I'll let you know just in case you think they are worth fixing. 1. The white text isnt quite visible against the orange backround. In the Update Manager for example, when its updating the packages the white text that says "Downloading update x of y" isnt visible behind the orange progress bar. 2. Open Advanced Desktop Effects settings ( compiz config settings manager). Notice that the text assiciated with the icons to the right pane is very faintly visible against the background. Are there fixable?
Hi Mariux, Having the used the theme for a few days now, among a whole lot of good things in this theme, I found 2 usability issues. Not very major but I thought I'll let you know just in case you think they are worth fixing. 1. The white text isnt quite visible against the orange backround. In the Update Manager for example, when its updating the packages the white text that says "Downloading update x of y" isnt visible behind the orange progress bar. 2. Open Advanced Desktop Effects settings ( compiz config settings manager). Notice that the text assiciated with the icons to the right pane is very faintly visible against the background. Are there fixable?
Actually i'm working on another theme, so this issues will probably be fixed into the next release (3.0). However thank you for noticing this bugs, i'll keep working on them!
nice theme but i can not get emerald theme to workever since i upgraded to ubuntu 8.04 can some one help please .
I don't know.. check your compiz settings first. I am on Ubuntu 7.10, the 8.04 is not really a stable for me.. so UN-Stable!