You'll need the latest Murrine and Nodoka Gtk engines installed.I also recommend the latest Gnome Colors icon theme: can get the wallpaper here:
Ratings & Comments
Hey which app do u use to show the cover art in the desktop like mac style. (like the screenshot) I wanna do it
i feel the same way whats the deal with attitudes on this site? anyway nice theme.
Now I can see the screenshot, good work! No need for the "idiot" label, though. /izo\
I'm glad you added a new screen shot. That's a nice looking theme.
Because gnome-look limits screenshots to 300k. Can't do a high res screenshot, but go to download page for a bigger one.
Not true. If ya convert the out put file in Gimp to jpg, you can have very big resolution file under 300k size. (hint: use in Gimp the preview option when converting to see the size)
Can't see shit, captain! /izo\
I think a larger resolution screenshot would help some folks get a clearer picture of this theme.
Bigger screenshot now for the idiots that can't click "DOWNLOAD".