Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
These days everyone is doing Clearlooks over and over, do not forget Smooth rocks too!
To enable the highlights for your own smooth theme put the following in your gtkrc (after patching the engine):
tabs {
highlight = TRUE
Metacity: modified Smooth_blue-eyed_4_e17
Stock icons: gperfection
Nautilus icons: Gorilla
0.7 Improved patch, also works for round and triangle tabs. This will be in the next gtk-engines release (2.
0.6 Improved patch, allows for configuration of notebook highlights in gtkrc
0.5 Improve Scrollbars and scales, menu-items are flat again.
0.4 Added a patch to gtk-engines to draw highlight stripes on the active notebook.
0.3 Metacity: bigger buttons, easier to hit.
Gtk theme: smooth gradients in menus.
0.2 Fix progress bars (now in selection colour).
0.1 First release.
Ratings & Comments
Hi, thx for your work!!! just a little question : where can I find your wallpaper (in the second screenshot) ? Tchao Giggz
I like Smooth, you said it rocks, i agree with you but you forgot Bluecurve :d
The inactive icons in the menu are so ugly! Look at this: http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/~felipead/pool/how-they-are.png This is how they could be: http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/~felipead/pool/how-they-could-be.png Please, could you change this for me? Even if you had to do a different version... I love your theme, but this small detail just mess everything! [Please, forgive my english mistakes!]
What is this patch for, and how do I install it? Thanks.
The patch is for module gtk-engines in GNOME's CVS.
yes, it rocks!
Trying to download your patch results in getting download.php. Please zip your patch or add it to a tarball or inform the people who run gnome-look as its not downloadable however you uploaded it. Using FF 1.5
Fixed, thanks.
I love it.