UPDATE 01-03-11:
* Added two new Metacity themes with a redish close button (one with title text displayed, the other without the text)
* Updated the README pdf file
* Corrected another bug in conky calendar python script
UPDATE 07-02-11:
* Corrected big bug and fixed another little issue in conky calendar python script
UPDATE 17-01-11:
* Added backgrounds for 1280x800 and 1600x900 screens (.png and .xcf format)
* Updated README file with a simple installation tutorial in english!
UPDATE 21-12-10: Added:
* Background for 1440x900 screens
* Backgrounds in .xcf format, to modify them!
UPDATE 14-12-10: Added:
* AWN Theme
* Some desktop backgrounds to perfectly emulate this desktop; they are available at three resolutions: 1366x768 (original), 1280x1024, 1024x600. If you'd want a wallpaper too, just ask to me and I'll draw it for you!
* Better, more complete and more clear README pdf file
This is my new Ubuntu GNOME Theme. It's called SummerRebirth because it was started in early September, when the melancholy rising from the end of the summer and the desire to return backward for two or three month were strong. Now it's a little nonsense, but the name was already decided!
In the downloadable archive there are GTK&Metacity theme, Conky configuration files, CoverGloobus theme, AWN theme, and backgrounds for most popular resolutions.
Description & infos:
GTK Theme: SummerRebirth (mine): it uses a mix between equinox engine, pixmap engine and murrine engine. Some things are kept from other gtk themes, but I don't remember whic themes!
Window Manager Theme: SummerRebirth (mine): in the archive, there are three different metacity themes, but the best for me is this (that is a modification of another metacity theme that I don't remember)
Icon Theme: AwOken, made by me (released version 1.4!

Covergloobus Theme: SummerRebirth (mine): it's present in the download archive
Wallpaper: original wallpaper is here -> http://wallbase.net/wallpaper/134851 . In the downloadable archive there are modified backgrounds for 1366x768, 1024x600, 1280x1024, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1600x900 screen resolutions.
Dock at the right: avant-window-navigator
Notes: At the bottom there is a conky that shows essential informations (like new mails, or weather). In the top-right part of the desktop there are a little conky showing a bar that displays battery charging status, and CoverGloobus. In second and third desktop there are three conky popup, that popups to show other informations:
* calendar: shows the calendar and uses a python script that prints for each month what has to be done reading from a text file located in my /home. It gives the possibilità to insert notes in various colours, and for each month in the year;
* cpu: it describes himself;
* forecasts: it describes himself;
StartPage: http://minstreldesign.deviantart.com/art/Homepage-v-1-161580375
Ratings & Comments
On your Checkcal script. What is it supposed to display? Yes I know the calendar. But is it supposed to display notes? or whatever things you have in your Evolution Calendar. Cause right now I have added a my google calendar to Evolution Calendar. Anyways when I open the checkcal conky script nothing shows up from notes, my personal calendar or my google calendar. Also your checkmem clickable conky script doesn't come up at all. nothing happens
Hey. I've spent all day reading that topic about this theme on the Italian forum. And I don't speak Italian, so I used Google translate. I still have this problem with the bottom being screwed up. I got conky installed, I got the launchers working but the conkys are not right, see here: http://img193.imageshack.us/i/bildschirmfotocs.png/ I read on that forum how to move those little triangular things by editing the bottom file notifywet2.png, notifymem2.png, notifycal2.png I also read how to move the actual conkys by editing x-gap in the notify files. I changed the x-gap values to move the conkys but once I close and reopen a conky, the changes are gone and it's offset again. Plus the calendar's background doesn't show up and I don't know why. Can you please please help me?
Hi!!! Sorry for the late reply! However, you did a big mad work translating the whole thread from italian! It means that you love this theme very much! Unfortunately, I didn't already added the last part of the guide in wich I explain how to customize clickable conky and how to get them running.. I'll do this as soon as possible! However, I think that this is not the best way to get support, so I opened a new thread in ubuntuforums.org. Here's the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10401529#post10401529 Post your request there, because also another user asked me the (quite) same thing! :)
I'm totally in love with this theme. Unfortunately it looks wrong on my desktop. I'm working on the conky part and this is what I get: http://img231.imageshack.us/i/bildschirmfotobu.png/ Haven't tried to make it clickable yet or taken care of the forecast and email because the bottom looks so odd and I'd like to fix that first. My resolution is 1280 x 800. Not sure what I did wrong, I changed the resolution in the bottom file, any ideas?
ok well, I guess that was my fault cause I had edited the paths so as to point to '~/Conky/Notify/notifywet.png' instead of '~/Conky/Notify/notifywet2.png' etc because I noticed there are no 'notify...2.png' files. I undid that and now it looks fine. Of course now I get the following error Conky: Unable to load image '/home/isi/Conky/Notify/notifywet2.png' Oddly I don't get the error for notifymem2 and notifycal2 even though those aren't there either.
class "GtkToolbar" style "toolbar" widget_class "*HandleBox" style "toolbar" class "*HandleBox" style "toolbar"
I didn't understood well: this is surely an error, but the "Nice" as title is related to the theme right? However, this issue brings something wrong in particular?
Yep it's clean The code could match the handlebox to the toolbar style, which would make it conform and complete the unified look...
Very nice ;) when I install the GTK theme I got an error message in Appearance "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme 'SummerRebirth' is not installed." What should I do??
Already replied on DA, but to be complete I'll copy also here. However, you might not write several posts (two on Gnome-look.org and one on DeviantArt.com)! when I read a post on either one of them I reply to it always! Have you correctly installed it? because inside the pack there is an archive called SummerRebirth.tar.gz, but you haven't to install it, because inside this archive there are three different themes. Maybe I might keep them in three different archives! However, so what you have to do is extract the SummerRebirth.tar.gz archive, go in the "SummerRebirth" directory, and move those three folders in your ".themes" directory that is present in your home. If you don't know how to see it (because it's an hidden directory), just open your home and press "Ctrl+H"!! Tell me if you solved. Hi, Alecive
Very nice ;) when I install the GTK theme I got an error message in Appearance "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme 'SummerRebirth' is not installed." What should I do??
Very nice ;) when I install the GTK theme I got an error message in Appearance "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme 'SummerRebirth' is not installed." What should I do??
I like your idea about organization of your desktop! But how did you gather all parts of the desktop(I mean conky + awn + gnome panel)?
Thanks for compliments! but what do you mean with "how did you gather all parts of the desktop(I mean conky + awn + gnome panel)?"?
I mean, these components appear as a single entity !!! Sorry for my english - I use online translator )))
No prob for english, me too I'm using an online translator! Maybe communicating and having two online translators between us can make the conversation difficult.. :D If you mean how can I get this single-entity effect, it's simple: I started with an idea, I developed first fake panels directly drawn over wallpapers, and then I made all other things (like conkys or conergloobus theme) according to the panel style!
Nice idea))) Thanks for the reply!
Very Nice can you share with me the gtk...i want install it on my pc
Click on the download link.. you will be redirected to my DeviantArt page, in wich you can download the gtk! :)
it's a really god theme, i like the style on your desktop... btw here is the start page if someone want it http://minstreldesign.deviantart.com/art/Homepage-v-1-161580375?q=boost%3Apopular+startpage&qo=59
Thanks! and thanks for the link, I added it in my description!
Another great theme. We Linux users are spoiled for choices lately. Thanks for your hard work.
Thanks my friend.. such appreciation makes me very glad about having spent so much time in this theme! :D