Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Code name: GT4_white
This is white version of GT4,metacity with
left buttons are included in tar.gz
Icon theme OSX
Font:Bitstream vera sans roman size 8
Comments,suggestions,ideas are welcome. Last changelog:
This is white version of GT4,metacity with
left buttons are included in tar.gz
Icon theme OSX
Font:Bitstream vera sans roman size 8
Comments,suggestions,ideas are welcome.
Initial relese
Changed scrollbars border color
Changed active tab,now is more visible,and blue color.
Changed buttons,active an prelight,now they are more flat and more in mac style.
Changed toolbar buttons as well.
Fixed scrollbar prelight state,now is not distorted on mouse over.
Changed panel buttons active and prelight.
Changed metacity inactive state.
Ratings & Comments
Hello, great theme ;) MMM What firefox theme do you use? I didnot find any beautiful... Excuse my english please ;)
It's gnome's epiphany, not firefox The theme doesn't look much differently - I just fixed it for gtk 2.10 and made a few things more smooth, and change icons :)
I made a few changes to text color and add milk icons, you may find them here => http://www.aqd.ath.cx/stuff-linux/themes/GT4_white-aqd.tar.gz screenshot => http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=165030531&size=o And Thanks for this great theme!!!
hi, your work is very nice, i use KDE but for gtk apps i had to have this theme slackware /usr/share/themes/Default -> GT4_white/
I love it. And please give a link to that wallpaper, it's gorgeous!!
There are links to wallpaper in erlier post just change date from april 14 to april 12 to see them.
Hello, you can search for "communication" at the http://www.deviantart.com
Hello, you can search for "communication" at the http://www.deviantart.com
Hi, great work, but how can i replace the ubuntu logo with the apple logo on the start menù?? and... cool starterbar... can you explain us how make one? Micio
Ubuntu logo is called distributor-logo.png You can find it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ directory. You should buckup that file,copy and paste somewhere to your home directory,in case that someday you want to get it back. Then find some icon that has apple logo on it file shouldn`t be biger then 48x48 pixels. Name that file distributor-logo.png Put it in your home directory,and open terminal and type sudo mv distributor-logo.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ when asked for password type in and press enter. then type killall gnome-panel This should do it. If you are Ubuntu user You can also visit www.ubuntuforums.org Section tips and tricks where you can find more info about various stuff.
How in the world do you get the title bar buttons on the left side?
Go to Applications>System Tools and click to open Configuration Editor In Configuration Editor go to apps>metacity>general,and on right hand side you will see button layout double click on button layout and change menu:minimize,maximize,close to close,maximize,minimize:menu after that press enter.
3 things... 1 Hey I am currently using your other GT4 and it is sweet... Ill check this one out too... 2 Thx for the link for the wallpaper 3 OFF THE WALL QUESTION FROM A NEWBIE: How did you get the bottom toolbar so, um, mac-ish (for lack of a better word)? Thanks!
I am using starterbar,and i modifed it to have more mac look.
Get the wall paper here... http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/8252206/
i also want it! would be great, if anyone could send it, or tell me where to get it
Great... I wan't the wallpaper too...
Where did you take this wallpaper
I can`t really remember where i got this,but i sent you wallpaper to your gmail account.
Well it`s here in screenshot section somebody posted screen of the desktop here are the links to these wallpapers. http://www.deviantart.com/view/8252206/ http://www.deviantart.com/view/8302015/