Aureus-Mariux Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A Theme based on my Hardy-Mariux Theme.
Actually are available included in the theme:
GTK Theme
GDM Theme
Emerald Theme
Icon Set
Wallpaper by Deadpxl: http://deadpxl.deviantart.com
Readme coming soon.
Enjoy!!! Comments Welcome! Last changelog:
Actually are available included in the theme:
GTK Theme
GDM Theme
Emerald Theme
Icon Set
Wallpaper by Deadpxl: http://deadpxl.deviantart.com
Readme coming soon.
Enjoy!!! Comments Welcome!
Added GDM Themes (Thanks to MrDrake)
I included the Elementary 1.0.9 Icon Set because the author of this icon theme now has imposed fees on the new releases, so Aureus-Mariux will be kept stable until the next free release of this icon set.
Added the theme Wallpaper.
Ratings & Comments
hi mariux, very great theme, i use it with emerald and it looks beautiful!! but i can hardly read the names of my buttons in nautilus, my taskbar and other programs, because there are all too small with your your theme. and the options in the contextmenus have different heights. i hope you can fix this, because your theme looks really really great!!
Yeah i kept the font small because it looks clearer and more elegant.. maybe into the next release i'll add a bigger font version! I'll think about it.. thanks for your support!!!
hi mariux! i love your theme, but i have a problem to install the theme whit emerald theme manager...can you help me please? thanks so much. ps:"sorry for my bad english, i'm italian"
hope after my email all is solved ;-)!!!!
Congratulations on his theme, it was really very good, but I would like to make a suggestion: the appearance of the menu of action of the mouse seems a little strange, could provide a modified it, the rest is great. Once again congratulations on his work.
thanks! but i didn't get what do you mean by "the appearance of the menu of action of the mouse".. can you explain it?
Sorry for the confusion, when I wanted to say menu of action I refer to the menu that appears when you click with the right mouse button. Sorry for the bad english!!
Ok i get it! I'll keep working on it.. next release will include some fixes and GDM themes, alternative wallpapers, and compiz fusion settings.. and, i hope to include a good metacity theme!!