Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Please try the theme before you decide to vote, and I would appreciate constructive criticism , comments and suggestions.
Version 1.0
First, initial release.
Version 1.01
Added one more metacity theme, see 3rd screenshot.
Version 1.1
In this realese version changes are as follows: Metacity theme from 3rd screenhot now is default Metacity theme,to give you guys better experience.Also Inactive window now has different color for easier recognition of active and inactive windows, if text in inactive window is not redable enough, I can change it.Two extra Meatcity theme are in tarball and renamed to WaveClassic, and WaveRounded.Next of the changes are scrollbars, they still have tin style,( I like scrollbars unobtrusive and there when you need them).Now they are more visible with blue color. See first screenshot.
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Your theme inspired me to create an account and vote. While I was at it, I have submitted a customization of this theme under the name 'wave-repack'. You are welcome to take a look and use any of the modifications (consider them my own wishlist/bug report). yours is a well rounded theme and I especially like the scroll bars. Good job! and Thank you!
Thank you for your vote, and i am glad that you like the theme.I had to compromise on the look of my theme, because of menubar, i want menubar to have different color, as you can see in the screenshots.
hello. Love the theme but would also like to folder icons you have. You have a link to where you got them? Thanks
Hello, I have modified your (very nice!) theme to have different icons: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=117029
I can't download the theme, I have a 'not found' message. And if I search gnome-look.org for 'wave' gtk theme I can't find it, the only way to get this page is using another webs links.
retry... I can download the file without any problem... the link works for me. I hope AlexR1 sooner or later reply to all our questions :)
I have to apologize for late reply, but I have one problem right now, I can`t access my linux partition and I have to reinstall grub. So please guys give me little more time, and I will share with you icons and wallpapers.
Nothing is missing here, download link works, and I even found the theme in google search by entering search therm Wave theme.I really do not know what problems you have.
Hi! I've looking for those wonderful wallpapers you have used at the screenshots above, but I just can't find it anywhere!!! Could you please e-mail them to eduardoandrevian at gmail.com? Congratulations for the great job!
Here you can find the first screenshot wallpaper: http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/228910/
Most of my wallpapers i got from Desktop Nexus , and some of them for Deviantart.
This theme is very nice. I really like its simplicity and beauty. I Would like to have those beautiful wallpapers you used at the screenshot, but I can't find it anywhere. Could you please share them with us. I love that font, too. Could you tell us what font you have used? Thank you for the great job!
and what is the font ? please
Font is called HandelGot D.
Hi, thanks for your jobs... I like your icon theme, but at this point, please, share it with us ;) However, my mail is desk.at.libero.it Thank you
hi , i love your theme , my mail for the colour panel & icons is julien.37@free.fr Thanks :)
and to me too nerten@mail.ua
Well done! I like very much this theme. I use it with Meliae icon theme. Looks good.
Ey Im getting a white panel... not the one like yours in the 3rd sreen... even choosing the image background at /panel/
ohh is awn like a panel... can you make a panel backgroun for the theme with the look of that awn?
I all ready have panel background, what i can do is to send it to you, if you want, but i need your e-mail to do so.
what about gnome panel?? is ugly and cant change it :(
You can change color of the panel.
hey i love this theme , but where i can download the icon theme i like that pls share the icon theme .
Icon theme are Eikon, but i changed some of the icons to suit the theme.Now i can make tar.gz file of what i have and send it to you, all I need is your e-mail.