Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Code name: Field
Gtk/metacity pixmap theme,simple and clean.
On second screenshot is my desktop from couple days ago showing different panel.
In Field.tar.gz I included files and readme on how to change panel,to look like on second screenshot.
Comments,suggestions are welcome.
Enjoy. Last changelog:
Gtk/metacity pixmap theme,simple and clean.
On second screenshot is my desktop from couple days ago showing different panel.
In Field.tar.gz I included files and readme on how to change panel,to look like on second screenshot.
Comments,suggestions are welcome.
Version 1.1
Fixed scrollbar stepper up
Fixed Prelight spinners
Added one more metacity theme
Returned licence to GPL
Version 1.0
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
this is the most soothing, pleasant, relaxing theme i've ever came accross. An oasis of tranquillity amidst all other themes. A gift from heaven ! And it blends seaminglessly with the ubuntu layout ! A brilliant job done! Just to say I've installed your theme and I like it.... No more comments needed...
thanks to share the theme!!!
And nice colour choice ! However I don't find the prelight arrows on steppers visible enough.
Yes you are right,that color is not visible enuf,i got think of something else,and update the theme.
where did you find this icons?
You may want to check out www.wincustomize.com ObjectDock section there are all over the place it`s not a single pack,i was picking icon by icon finding suitable color to mach wallpaper.
But this page is a Windows XP page... :S
could you post the packaged icons?
I like it, thank you.
Hi, Im' using gnome 2.10.1 the one which comes default with fc4. When i put the distributor-logo.png as gnome-main-menu.pn g, its' not showing up in full size. Its' being shown as a small image. How do i change this to match what you have in the screen shot? Thank you
Try to raise your taskbar hight to 30 pixels image should be bigger.
tried that too but did not look anything like what the screen shot shows. :(
put the distributor-logo.png into a folder... for this example ~/.icons... add the main menu to the panel and open the configuration panel, in the tree go to apps/panel/objects find the object who's info lists it as the menu (object_type menu-object), check the box that says to use-custom-icon, and right-click > edit the custom_icon key.. enter the path tho the icon image (in this example: /home/(username)/.icons/distributor-logo.png it should give you the proper scale button image that way
I see the icon but there seems to be an arrow on top of it.. and hence the icon is not scaling to the panel size. could be something specific to fc4 . any help ... any one..
I was about to request "fleur de lis'
I second that; what icon set is that?
There is no icon set i gathered icons from the net and modified it Aero icon theme.
BTW, what is your icon theme in the screenshots?
Sorry if my thought was wrong but I think that you copy arts of someone else without mention and releasing it with wrong release making something illegal. I have found on deviantart a deviation by danillooc that has the same window borders of your "clearice" theme. http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/014/f/b/5imple_by_danillooc.jpg I absolutely suggest you to change your behavior, that reflects to any GNU user that downloas your "GPL" themes. I hope that other users can support my thoughts and understood that this way of copying arts without credits has to finish IMMEDIATELY. If i'm saying something wrong, and you're the owner of all graphics contained in this theme please consider me like a stupid :D and sorry for this words but I have only the goal of support GNU ideals. Cimi
First,idea for clearice metacity came from the theme 5imple,however graphics are mine.I am not like you to use someone elses work and change colors.I do use ideas and do my own graphics as best as i could.If you had some concerns you should contact me trough the e-mail,to clear that up. Also i am sick of you and your raiting of my work,you always puting it down.
ok that's perfect. I haven't vote you down... I've comment here before! As I saw clearice I was frightened about license mistakes ... no other thoughts. If you own your arts I have just to be happy because linux community would have an original artist (like you). In the last months (except candido & stripped) I haven't got any original ideas and I made only color mods. So compliments for your original ideas if they have no ispirations! I'm happy! Peace, Cimi