ddragon's GTK blue - rounded

GTK2 Themes

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My personal blue GTK theme with rounded buttons.
Look at the screenshots - if you like it - download
NOTE : By default, the theme include decoration of the panels.
If you don't like in, just run the script that's in the ZIP file, (make it executable if it don't start), and it will remove the panel decoration!!!
If you want the panel back - run it again .

extract the ZIP that you download, and choose System->Preferences->Background, then choose Theme tab, then click the Install button, and navigate to the TAR.GZ file( ddragon's GTK Blue-rounded.tar.gz) OR just extract ddragon's GTK Blue-rounded.tar.gz in your /HOME/YOUR_NAME/.themes directory (it is hidden - to see it, press Ctrl+H) .
Hope you like it
Best regards .
Last changelog:

Totaly new metacity theme.
Fixed some colors.
Some new icons.

Ratings & Comments



hi Dear, don't worry if somebody doesn't like your theme. I love all of them and I am going along with them for quite a while now. So my question would be, if there will be more colors in the future like a red one for example or even a purple one or even a pink one for children or colors like this. What do you thin of these examples??? And please: keep up these so well done themes!!! Greetings Karmicbastler I will keep an eye on your themes!!!


I think it is beautiful and I love it =D


Based on the blue, I've grabbed all your GTK and Emerald themes. All are very nice, and anything else you come up with would be a welcome post. I love your choices in buttons, shapes, backgrounds, colors -- really nice, and unusual without being distracting.


Thank you very much :) As I see the ratings(it was very low in first 2-3 days - about 48%) - , I was desided not to upload anymore, even I develop usually a theme/style every 1-2 weeks, but the comment like yours keep me hoping, that there are people, who like my work, and there is sence to go on, so thank you again :) Right now, I prepare new version of the blue theme ( as well , as the metacity in blue theme is absolutely changed and it is ready, but I still don't upload it - low ratings make me deside to keep it for myself :) ) - updated icons and some fixed colors, so your post make me upload it here as it's ready( in 1-2 days) :) Best regards and thanks again :)


You must respect all opinions. This theme is horrible for me. You need to accept all opinions and no cry when someone criticizes your work.


Hi, of course I accept the opinions, but ... where did you see comment about what someone don't like????? Of course, this theme is horrible for you, but there are detailed screenshots, that shows what it does...Why do you download it? Did you think ever that if something is not good for you is good for other? Do you proove yourself rate someone's FREE work BAD???? Do you think I cry if I drop down my theme if they are under 50% ? Why shoud I cry? I like my stuff and I think it's good.So if you, or most of people deside that it is BAD why shoud I share with you? Why? The point is that people like you that desides that something is BAD , just because they don't like it , don't really understand, that if other people rate the things that YOU like BAD , may make the designer to not upload anymore .... And the point is that the designer LOOSES NOTHIN' ;)


I don't download your theme, I see screens and I decide don't download it and vote BAD in the poll. I can't comment all themes I don't like, is impossible, but I can vote with only one click. Fast and easy (thank you gnome-look !!). Talk with the personal of Gnome-look for eliminate "BAD" option in a poll, but if it is, people can use it. Is possible that other people likes your theme, obviously, and this people can vote "good". IS A POLL! You must accept that. Do you think I cry if I drop down my theme if they are under 50% ? Why shoud I cry? I like my stuff and I think it's good.So if you, or most of people deside that it is BAD why shoud I share with you? Why? Yes, I think you are crying. If there are a lot of people that vote you BAD, you say that there are other people who likes your work, why you difficult the access? Why you don't share your work with these people ? I don't understand. You can do whatever you want, but my opinion is that. (sorry about my poor english)


Hi, I think you don't understand - the point is that you don't rate SCREENSHOT, you rate the THEME here.... There is a section for screenshots. I think you can rate BAD only if you test the theme and you don't like the performance. You makes me laugh :) And one more thing - I wouldn't share my artwork HERE - there are many other sites, where rashly rate (like this - "I saw screenshots and deside to rate bad because I'm a GOD and I deside what is good and it costs me onli a click. And I'm a comsumer without any contribute, but it don't matters - I CAN CLICK" ;) ) isn't tolerate ;) So ... that's the point ;)


I know, I rate the theme. I see it in screenshot and it is awful (for me), I think is a bad theme and you can't change my opinion :P I'm really happy to make you laugh :D Do whatever you want, I really do not matter that you do. ^^


hey, come on starko....grow up he might have worked for several nights to create it...firstly, one can't rate a theme just by seeing its screen-shots...and secondly if u have something to say, say it in a way he can develop the theme(and definitely not the way u said it...u can't hurt others, thereby making the website to loose a geek ). Not everybody likes even the best. if u have any point just request him to inject ur idea, or else...just keep it simple, do NOT write this kind of unnecessary comments by the way, i liked it. rated good.

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