Description: Ice_orange are pixamps theme, and you need to install pixbuf engine in order to use this theme. Ice -orange sports grayblue and orange color, to give accent on active things, it is little bit strange combination,so please try theme before you vote. Comments,suggestions,ideas are welcome. Enjoy.Last changelog:
Version 1.0 First release
Version 1.1 Changed Button in panel properties from pressed state to normal.
dude i keep flitting back to your theme after trying new ones.
although the menu's bugged me a little so i have made some changes and submitted it.....
please check out hardy ice and let me know what you think....
i want to say what nice theme you made
the colors go well together and hope you do an exact GDM theme
thank you for this
about that panel please!!!
will be gratefull if you tell me how
Same, please. vertimyst[at]gmail[dot]com.
Better yet, you should probably put the instructions right in the theme description.
Also, what are you running in your terminal, that says what distro, theme, etc. you're using?
When I use your theme I have problems with sunbird 0.7 on Gutsy Ubuntu.
It hangs. I have tried it as different user, even a fresh new profile.
Works with other themes.
Is this because yours is using
a shame really because I love this theme, everything highlighted and defined so well. That you know what has been selected.
I guess I will use google calendar.
Who do you think will be the best to contact the pixbuf creator or Sunbird.
Maybe both,because we don`t know what cause this,pixbuf engine is old and i don`t know if updated regulary, i know that before i did not have problems with engine like this.
Icon theme before in the past where OSX but i am constantly changing it so at this moment it is OSX with some other icons depends of what theme i am working on.
Ratings & Comments
dude i keep flitting back to your theme after trying new ones. although the menu's bugged me a little so i have made some changes and submitted it..... please check out hardy ice and let me know what you think....
i want to say what nice theme you made the colors go well together and hope you do an exact GDM theme thank you for this now: about that panel please!!! abugosh(dot)malek(at)gmail(dot)com will be gratefull if you tell me how
Yeah thats all i can say is "wow" you have a very nice clean and modern theme i love it <3
Can I also have the gnome panel instructions please: malwkgad at telecoms dot bg thanks
Same, please. vertimyst[at]gmail[dot]com. Better yet, you should probably put the instructions right in the theme description. Also, what are you running in your terminal, that says what distro, theme, etc. you're using? Thanks,
For me to,please.. Thanks...
Thanks for the lovely theme.
When I use your theme I have problems with sunbird 0.7 on Gutsy Ubuntu. It hangs. I have tried it as different user, even a fresh new profile. Works with other themes. Is this because yours is using pixbuf
Sunbird crushing on me too, now i don`t know what cause this but it might be because of the theme engine.
a shame really because I love this theme, everything highlighted and defined so well. That you know what has been selected. I guess I will use google calendar. Who do you think will be the best to contact the pixbuf creator or Sunbird.
Maybe both,because we don`t know what cause this,pixbuf engine is old and i don`t know if updated regulary, i know that before i did not have problems with engine like this.
simply beatifull
Nice but what Icon set is that?
Icon theme before in the past where OSX but i am constantly changing it so at this moment it is OSX with some other icons depends of what theme i am working on.
It's a great theme! I also like the Gnome panel you have there. But how on earth can I make a Gnome panel look like that? Great job!
If you send me your mail i will reply to you with instructions and images to load in panels.
Of course! alvareznelson at gmail dot com Thanks!
Hey! Can you please send me a copy of that mail? carles.rincon at gmail dot com Thanks!
hi, what element have your panel? and also I want to know like making in order to set up it. thanks and great works. marcpat at
Could I please get the Gnome Panel instructions too? My email is jwolach (at) sw-techgroup (dot) com
what panel is that in the bottom, of screen? other than that, its pure nice and ..... did i say nice :-) Kind Regards MikeDK
It is a gnome panel, with background images loaded.
A nice theme , good job :)