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It is time to give a modern and professional look to our desktop! The new theme makes more clever use of orange (not over-use it) and is mainly color-neutral. It is designed for Ubuntu in mind but can be used in other distros that may bear warm colors.

Installation: (requires pixbuf theme engine)
Very simple. Just double click the file newwave-(xxx).gtp where (xxx) is the version number e.g. 050. Note that if you have previous version of the theme in your home folder you need to remove it first. You may need to log out then log in to make all changes appear (e.g. handlers, lines). For more information on how to fix Firefox's menubar text and how to use the theme in root programs see the README file.

The package also contains:
- New Wave Configurator (GUI),
- Emerald themes,
- Compiz-fusion settings,
- Second theme with dark menus,
- Firefox skin,
- Some metacity tweaks.
- Time applet tips.
Theme for xfwm4 (Xubuntu) can be downloaded in the Download section of this page.

Support & News:

Check the latest news at my blog:

Any bugs should be reported here:

If you have questions ask them in Launchpad Questions section:
or in the Help tab of this page.

You could also sponsor me (in the form of donation) in order to buy a cheap laptop and work on New Wave more. You can do the donation by clicking on the donate button on the right of the download section.
Last changelog:

v 0.8.2
- Statusbar, selected text, popups in Nautilus, tooltips, text improvements (lighter text)
- More lightness in menus and desktop items (transparancy and toned colors)
- Improved active tab and horizontal line gradients.
- Transparent panels and items possible when using flat panel theme (use NW Configurator to set up)
- IconView and Assistant Window themed much better.
- Infobars are styled properly to match the theme.
- Added focus for the items in nautilus and many other apps.
- Improved selected workspace bg color in the applet.
- Fixed the rendering glitch in Appearance manager.
- Improved NW Configurator - transparent panels and more.
- Redesigned progressbars inside treeviews to match the other progressbars better.
- Fixed long standing issue with Evolution's preferences wrong colors.
- Restyled frames in Gedit statusbar and the panel.
- New theme format gtp for easier installation (just double click)

v 0.8.1

- Brasero notifications color fixed.
- Rhythmbox 'Now playing' tool-tips can now be seen.
- Fixed scrollbars in OpenOffice and Firefox by using hack.
- Firefox skin for Firefox 3.5
- Firefox and OO unreadable menubar text could be fixed with Configurator.
- Metacity enchantments for dialogs (only visible when compiz effects are off)
- Lotus Notes and Eclipse 100% CPU bug fixed.
- Old combo-box is themed better in OpenOffice and other apps.
- Introducing a Configurator (GUI) for easy modification of some theme properties.

v 0.8.0

- Treeview has new headers, items and focus system.
- Make nautilus sidebar use custom treeview design for better integration.
- New design for scrollbars and scrollbar arrows.
- Better tooltips that look more three dimensional (3D).
- Progressbars are more "color rich" and have more depth. Thus they are more attention grabbing.
- Modified etched out shadows.
- Emerald usability fix in the button bottom border color.
- Textboxes, tabs, combobox entries and range controls have focus indicated by glow.
- Firefox theme available for better integration.
- Opera theme by Kyle Baker (see download section because it is not included in the pack)

Ratings & Comments



There is a bug with the new wave theme when using it with xfce-4.8pre3. The window buttons, notification tray, and other panel widgets are not displayed correctly. I also tried out the 0.9.0 beta theme, but the problem is the same.


i love this theme is very soft


Fantastic Theme, great work! One thing though: Using New Wave with Thunderbird (Karmic Version), the Menu Bar keeps its black font color on the rather darkish background and is therefore hard to read. Any suggestions how to change that?


I have tried to fix that but there is no easy way of doing it. I think you should report a bug against thunderbird for that. In the meantime you could use the following instructions to try and fix it:


Works great for me and was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks again! :)


Would you (or someone else reading this ;)) consider making a Pidgin buddy list theme to compliment New Wave?


I would do it but right now I'm a bit busy and can't do anything specific. Maybe try posting to ubuntu-artwork mailing list or somewhere in the ubuntu forums. P.S. I'll have some more free time after two months or so. If I find some other spare minute I'll see what I can do about it.


Hello, This is a great theme, my favourite. I have one question, though. Just as johnisevil mentioned, there are lots of people out there that don't use ubuntu and the brown colors. I'am using archlinux and my color scheme is green. I am wondering, are you planning to release a version with neutral colors so that others can use it as well? When I used ubuntu, the first thing I did after installation,I replaced the brown theme to something else. Even if, as you said most people use ubuntu but I know from experience that many of them dislike the browns, even some of the developers don't use it. Green and blue versions of this theme would be nice. Thanks, jmak


I don't intend to change the colors of this theme neither to make variants because I don't have the necessary time. Maybe in some of my future themes I will use different colors. As for a blue or other versions just check my favourites (fan of) page and you'll see several blue and light versions along with all gray and a violet mod.


Hi, nice theme. Can you say where can I find the background of the first image ? THX


To be honest I don't remember :) If yo want you can send me your email in a personal message so that I can attach it there.


In no way am I criticizing the artwork of this theme. It's absolutely pleasing to use. My complaint lies in the fact that I feel this would be much better if it was packaged in more of a distro neutral way. I'm a Gentoo user and I like this theme enough that I was going to create an .ebuild of it and track its progress keeping it up-to-date with the development. What I have a problem with is how it's packaged. 1. .gtp file suffixes for tar.gz files. Seriously? 2. Is there anything that this themes configurator does that's specific only to Ubuntu and its derivatives? If no, and this is just a regular script, there's no need to package it as a .deb Those are my only real beefs with this. Otherwise it has some real potential to make any distro have beautiful usability, not just Ubuntu.


.gtp is a GNOME Theme Package. Double clicking it in a GNOME environment installs all the elements of the theme. So yes, it makes sense to distribute it like this to all distros. A separate download with just the GTK theme for Xfce distros would be nice though.


Thanks for the feedback! 1. Yeah for you it might look the same but for the novice user is is a relief. 2. More than 60% [1] of the Linux user are using Ubuntu so it makes sense to me. I will though provide a source package in the launchpad download section. (Expect it soon as I'm testing a new version of the program that could apply the changes as you press Save) [1]


A source package of this would be perfect and much appreciated. As much as I like Ubuntu (while I'm not a user of it) what I can't stand is all of this Ubuntu only artwork. I understand its popularity but I feel that it takes away from other distros just because it makes a lot of new Linux people believe that they can only use this artwork in Ubuntu and that's a real shame. All Ubuntu is really is just a pretty, nicely packaged and polished distro but on the desktop and under the hood it functions just to same as every other distro that provides a kernel and a GNOME desktop environment.


Great job Dilomo, you're making a awesome work with New Wave, it's definitly one of the best themes for Gnome already made. The configurator demonstrates even more your commitment to the project. Congratulations man !


Thanks man!


Do you have a PPA? If so, could you tell me what it is. I couldn't find one on Launchpad. Thanks.


No I don't have one at the moment. I think I'll create one in the future but only when I set up a deb for the themes not only the Configurator. Still you can use the Subscribe button on this page to be notified of changes to the theme.


Superb Work with meticulous attention to detail and a box of new toys that ensure this themes position as a trend setting -leading style. The theme configurator is a fantastic addition to the suite.


Thank you for the kind words man! I have to say your work is very good too and a good competition (no bad thoughts here) that keeps me pushing this forward ;)


When does 0.8.2 come out?


Now :)




Hey, The problem with openoffice is solved for me in version 3.1.1. Now New Wave is perfect for me. Thanks a lot!

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version 0.8.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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