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Karambino Installer is a SuperKaramba-based installer for KDE.

Karambino Installer utilizes SuperKaramba's ability to 'run' *.skz files, which are just zip archives with skz extension. This allows small software and content creators to package their content into a self-containted, 'executable' file. All the user has to do to install the content - double-click the downloaded file.

The behavior we are trying to achieve is similar to that MS Windows users have with *.MSI files, where, assuming the framework for 'running' .msi files is present, installation becomes: download (1 file), double-click, follow the prompts.

The installation steps are listed in an INI-type file, where each section is one "task" and contains reference to next "task" The goal of Karambino in that regard is to make creation of installabe packages almost as easy as writing cooking directions. Example:

actiontype = message
text = This procedure will install AbraKadabra.
title = %caption%
nextaction = chooseskin
actiontype = choice
text = Please, choose the skin variety.
title = %caption%
value = 'dark','Dark transparent background','light','Light transparent background'
nextaction = %output%
actiontype = extract
value = 'product/dark/*'
target = '%skinpath%tabs/'
nextaction = common1

Karambino Installer carries all 'instalation tasks' libraries (python scripts) together with the installable content in the skz (zip) file. At present Kdialog facility of KDE is used for prompts and questions.

The following functions are supported with commit # 1:
- Showing informational message (kdialog popup)
- Showing "Choose one of these options" dialog. (kdialog popup)
- Unpack (unzip) selective contents of the package.
- Manipulate INI-type configuration files. (load, save, get, set value)

My apologies, but documentation is not yet available. Plz, look at the working example links bellow if you want to get an early start.

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