KDE CC/IC, Konqueror, KMail (IN CVS)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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UPDATE: (01/31/05):

I just wanted to update everyone and thanks those responsible and all the people that have helped me along the way.

I appears (thanks Jeff and Mr. Riddell) that it has, hold your drinks, been put into the latest CVS. I am busting with happiness and not much on speeches

UPDATE: (01/02/05):

Finished. The final, polished, versions of about:knoqueror, Info Center/Control Center, and KMail.

UPDATE: (01/01/05):

Ok, first off sorry to keep bumping this to the top with updates This is going to be the last one till the final set is complete (Which should be hopefully tomorrow, we'll see how my inpiration hits me). I have reworked much of the boxes, added some polish and am going to give each client its own background. I would like to have the text use a scroll bar instead of the resizing currently being used but dont know if thats going to be feasible or not (crossing fingers). Idealy I would like the text restricted to a somewhat small font but that wont particularly matter if its got a toolbar. Anyway I am hoping everything goes well, the devs like it enough to want to get it into KDE 3.4 (they have as much of my help as humanly possible in that field). I am really hoping on talking to one of the devs about how to actual get it in there as its still very much a bunch of pixels in a PNG file at this point Anyway, I just wanted to keep everyone updated and thank them again for their support.

UPDATE: (12/30/04):

I have officially entered it into the KDE Artist mailing list. I have spoken with someone and he would like to see changes made to KMail and about:konqueror as well and they will see what they can do about sneaking it into KDE 3.4. I have begun work on KMail and doing the about page for Konqueror shouldnt be to hard.

They are all still perliminary but its looking good to have the changes made to these programs. It is still very early and things may fall apart during the coding stage as some code will need to be changed but its atleast rolling.

Wanted to thank everyone for their tremendous support.

UPDATE: (12/29/04):

I have been playing around with the actual KCC now. KCC and KIC both call upon PNGs located in %KDEINSTALL%/share/apps/kcontrol/pics. I have modified some of those PNGs to create actual working models. It doesnt resize and it basically will only work for me (or anyone else who is running the identical font and window size) but this is actually what my KCC looks like.

I have emailed KDE and await an answer but I guess this 3rd entry is an example of how you could theme your KCC to your specific disro

I find the graphics in the KDE Control Center really need an overhaul. I would love KDE to set itself apart become much more pleasing to the eye. They still hold many "80'ish" design styles (Lets also get plastik or is derivatives to the default style huh guys?) and really need to push into the 21st century with some of the graphically beautiful features that are available.

(KDE logo from the truly fantastic wallpaper by skullbooks)
Last changelog:

Info/Control Center (Screenshot 1)
KMail (Sreenshot 2)
about:konqueror (Screenshot 3)

Ratings & Comments



Fantastic news taht this is in CVS. KDE needs something like this, you have done the Linux desktop a great service! Thank you!


how do i download it? download buttons shows a shot, and where do i put them? thanks in advanced


Congrats for your great work being recognized!! But, only a question...what about embedded text and i18n? It will be english for every one of us no-english natives? or it will be translated? anyway, great work again in both cases :)


It will completely behave the way the current text does. So all languages will be supported. The programmers really did a marvellous job porting it over. They really captured what I wanted.


Hello there, You've done very nice job there and I really like this one. Now as it's in CVS, would it be possible to create pages with same look for example Akregator? (kdepim/akregator) Thanks.


If you could send me screenshots of what they currently look like, I might find the time to whip something up. I browsed on the net but didnt find any screenshots that showed anything more than the programs actually running.


Great work! There is a single, very minor problem (in my opinion) with the designs however. They can be summed up with 'alignment'. Alignment can be acheived in any number of ways. It would be great if you could experiment by aligning the three main areas of the design (the logo, below that, the tool description and below that the scrollable info box). When I say alignment. I don't necessarily mean align each egde of each boxed area horizontally. You may want to try alignming the content, and let the boxes flow around them. Whatever you decide, order and structure of any interface design is paramount, alignment is a key tool.


LOL, can you be a little more criptic? Totally lost on what you see as misaligned.


to lokheed for getting such cool graphics into KDE. I hope that you will stick around for more fabulous artwork because we need more of that in KDE. Kudos to Jeff en Jonathan for getting it into CVS. Good to see so such collaboration. Rock on artist en hackers! Ciao' Fab


.. At least the konqueror and kmail ones are, thanks to jriddell and myself. I've uploaded a screenshot of the konq about page at http://www.caffeinated.me.uk/~jeff/konq-about-6.png. Cheers, Jeff


Bah, riddell's far too quick for me..


WHOOOOWEEEE!!!! That is so cool. Thanks Jeff for helping get it in there. That is just so cool to have something in KDE for everyone to use. I love open source and I love you guys that made all this possible :)


There are also alot of screens under print:/ (print:/jobs and print:/printers/NAME_OF_PRINTER) to name a few. There might be some more hidden elsewhere, if I run across them, I will post them here as well. I hope your designs make it into 3.4, as they are very clean and a nice change.


You should submit a wish to bugs.kde.org to have this part of KDE 3.4. Good job!


There are a couple of people helping to get this off the ground. I have spoken with the KDE artists in the mailing list and they *might* (stress on might) be able to get this into v3.4. Will see how it goes. Nothing concrete yet but still got a few months to go, so hopefully it can get snuck in ;) Thanks for the compliments :)


I've already said it but... Wao! I love those piece of art :) BTW, is the horizontal 1px black line between the head and the content needed? I like the curved look of the whole but that line make it "less curved". Keep up the good work.


Thank you. I really like the line. I like how it breaks the waves into the background and brings focus in on the text. I also really like the element it adds to the overall look...such a contrast to the fluidity of the waves that goes with the box and the other "hard" elements of the UI :)


I hope it will be in the next KDE release, it is so great! How can I do that to my control center?


this looks cool, and cool is part of KDE


I do hope the colors will be adjusted to the color scheme automatically...


No. I could possible workaround this but for now, dont count on it. I would be happy to get into KDE, then work on adding such improvements.


Ooooohhhhh.... This is so beautiful that I would kill for having it on kde 3.4. Very NICE work!!!


Yeap... this looks very good, but Protoman it's right about other languages. Keep the good work. Não é mesmo, Protoman? :)


Exactaly ;) Exatamente ;) PS: Too bad kde-look have problems with accented characters, it's default encoding dosen't like it and to see them you have to change the encoding on the browser.

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