ShadowFade at logout
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.1 first release
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Hi, the patch failed on KDE 3.4, so i tryed pathing it my self. - but i dont have the algorithm.h header file, where can i get it ?
should be part of libstdc++-devel or something like that...
Does anyone tried to install it on Suse 9.2? I can't get it work. It says command emerge doesn't exist.
"emerge" is Gentoo-specific, you're using SuSE
Isn't it possible to get this included in KDE CVS? Maybe if not KDE 3.4 (thought it doesn't change anything that much to make it not able to get into this release, since I believe this is quite stable already) then get it into 3.4.1.
hi dude. great work but you know should be great if you do some kparts friendly effects. in that way we can choose what effect use at logout
why kparts? it's just an enhancement of the slotPaint()-function...
looks really cool!
how can I install this "patch" ?
every time I post a patch, I get the same question... look here: you have to patch the kdebase-sources