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This is probably the most powerful pager on linux - yes it is a kicker applet! Check out the screenshot and help file for explanations.


Kicker of KDE 3.4 seems to have problems loading this applet. If you really want to test the applet, either
o kill kicker after starting KDE, wait until kicker is restarted and add kpager2, or
o start appletproxy /opt/kde3/share/apps/kicker/applets/kpager2.desktop

We are working on this.
KDE3.4 users! - Stay tuned.
KDE3.3 users! - Have fun!

PLEASE! -----------------------
For all of you experiencing this problem, give me you Versions of:
KDE, Qt, gcc, distribution.


untar kpager2-0.6.0.tar.bz2 and goto kpager2
make -f Makefile.cvs
make install
in kicker: right click menu -> Add -> Applet -> KPager2

Compilation Problems:
There might be some issues with the system clock. Since my computer believes a day has 19 hours, the file modification times are wrong and must be set by yourself before compiling. Do:
o find . -print -exec touch {} ;
Remove the autom4te.cache directory in case you don't use automake 1.7.

o SuSE RPM's (thanks to Loki):
Last changelog:

o repackaged
o a warning message

o new: 3ddesktop
o new: global key accelerators for 3d desktop switching
o new: "Show Only One Desktop" mode redesigned, getting scroll buttons (supporting dragndrop)
o new: a powerful midMouseButton, clipboard contents is inserted as an URL or command and executed!
o fix: redesigned config dialog
o fix: task menu considers NET::SkipTaskBar instead of NET::SkipPager (can't close/move kuake, kicker...)
o fix: task menu item sizes adjustable
o fix: graphics
o fix: animation sizes: wrong thumbnail sizes in single desktop mode

0.5.2 - fixes
o crash at rmb menu
o increased zoom factors
o 'dynamic' animations follow KControl (enabled?)
o removed a few disturbing assert()'s
o improved pixmap quality during animation

0.5.1 - stable?
o NEW: themes 'shadow', 'simple elegance'
o NEW: new frame style: Plain
o NEW: application launcher configurable
o FIX: Speedup: Double buffering!

o fix: URL dragging to desktop "1" will work now
o fix: Wrong position for shift animation in case of a corner widget
o fix: Why did animations pop up in 'show no windows' mode?
o fix: Text should generally appear ON windows, not behind
o fix: Rmb menu didn't close at all times when submenus were activated
o fix: Shift animation widget closes on leave event

Ratings & Comments



Kpager2 0.6.0b works under kde 3.5.9 !


Installing kpager2 was succesful using the 0.6.0b source file availabe somewhere here on Is there any chance for some more updates of this nice piece of software? There are still a few minor flaws like internationalization or the slightly misleading configuration dialog. I wouldn't mind translating kpager2 to German. Hope you will find some time to continue working on kpager2.


You know, when combined with 3ddesktop, on slack 12, this pager is SUPER CLOSE to what I have always been looking for!! That brings to mind a question of the final feature that would totally make this pager go way over the top as the best pager forever, period. One that will probably be imitated, but never duplicated! Here's the feature... First we got ~/Desktop This is as usual spanned across all the pages. That's great... let's call this, the "root desktop"... With me so far? Great! Ok, now let's say we have a dir, ~/Kpagertwo/ , or similar... perhaps make this configurable! ;-) Still with me? OK, here's the cool part! within this "root" we have.... ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop1 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop2 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop3 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop4 ...etcetera Now, lets say, for sake of illistration, we are on Desktop 2... Take all the files/icons there, and *OVERLAY* them ontop of the *ROOT* "~/Desktop/" You end up with not just a pager anymore, but the ability to group icons on a *PER PAGE BASIS*! An example Use: o All your web stuff on a specific desktop o All your audio stuff o etcetera, etcetera... Whatcha think?


You know, when combined with 3ddesktop, on slack 12, this pager is SUPER CLOSE to what I have always been looking for!! That brings to mind a question of the final feature that would totally make this pager go way over the top as the best pager forever, period. One that will probably be imitated, but never duplicated! Here's the feature... First we got ~/Desktop This is as usual spanned across all the pages. That's great... let's call this, the "root desktop"... With me so far? Great! Ok, now let's say we have a dir, ~/Kpagertwo/ , or similar... perhaps make this configurable! ;-) Still with me? OK, here's the cool part! within this "root" we have.... ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop1 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop2 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop3 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop4 ...etcetera Now, lets say, for sake of illistration, we are on Desktop 2... Take all the files/icons there, and *OVERLAY* them ontop of the *ROOT* "~/Desktop/" You end up with not just a pager anymore, but the ability to group icons on a *PER PAGE BASIS*! An example Use: o All your web stuff on a specific desktop o All your audio stuff o etcetera, etcetera... Whatcha think?


I wrote a quick script in bash to let me use Kpager2 despite its bug in KDE 3.4.x. It basically does automatically what you can do manually: Restart kicker, and reload the applet. You can download it here: or copy it from below: #!/bin/bash # CONFIGURATION ###### # The initial wait time for the script to run. This needs to be set for some reason for it to work. 15 seconds worked for me. wait=15s # The path to the applet you want to load (kpager2) applet="/usr/share/apps/kicker/applets/kpager2.desktop" # The grep expression to search for to find the panel you want to send this to.. ChildPanel and Panel should work. panel="ChildPanel" # The path to kicker kicker="/usr/bin/kicker" ####################### # Wait sleep $wait # Restart kicker killall kicker ; sleep 2s ; $kicker ; sleep 2s # Get child panel for item in `dcop kicker` do if [ `echo $item | grep $panel | wc -l` = "1" ]; then cp=$item fi done # Load applet dcop kicker $cp addApplet $applet &


And oh yeah - add this to your autostart kde folder (usually ~/.kde/Autostart).


Don't know if it helps, but under kde3.4.2 kpager2 gives me this error: KPager: received SIGNAL(KApplication::backgroundChanged(int==3)) with KBackgroundIface->isCommon()==1 KPager: received SIGNAL(KApplication::backgroundChanged(int==2)) with KBackgroundIface->isCommon()==1 KPager2: Warning: bug in kicker - Kicker doesn't have NET::skipPager set. KPager2: Warning: bug in kicker - Kicker doesn't have NET::skipPager set. KPager2: Warning: bug in kicker - Kicker doesn't have NET::skipPager set. (the pager is working only with the first workaround, killing kicker)


Here are fixes for 2 errors I was getting: ERROR 1: BUILD ERROR ====================================== I was getting an undefined struct QImage error. To fix it, add #include to kpager.cpp, rather that than using a forward declartion of class QImage; ERROR 2: RUNTIME ERROR ===================================== When right-clicking on the pager, I would get the following, and the applet would crash: appletproxy: symbol lookup error: /usr/kde/3.3/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN14KURIFilterData4initERK7QString This was caused by not linking against KIO. To fix this I changed the in /src to include $(LIB_KDECORE) $(LIB_KIO), as follows: libkpager2_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KDECORE) $(LIB_KDEUI) $(LIB_KIO)


This is the log entry in my .xsession.errors when trying to load it: "kicker: WARNING: cannot open applet: libkpager2 because of /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN24KPagerSingleSwitchButton14slotDragSwitchEv" After loading kpager2 with the hack the same error seems to ocuur (a poup window gives an error message of that kind).


Confirmed with KDE 3.5.6. You can fix this by commenting out anything related to dragSwitch in


Kpager2 Issue Observation in Suse 9.3 Professional KDE 3.4 - David Michael Chen ( (Australia) How to reproduce the error and temporarily load the Kpager. Step 1: Move the KDE Kicker to the top of the desktop > right click on the bottom or main Kicker > select configure > Step 2: Load the Mac OSX Styled Bar > Control Center > Desktop > Behaviour > Menu Bar at the Top of the Screen > Select Current application's menu bar (Mac OS-style) (NB. The Current Application's Menu Bar and the Main KDE Kicker should now appear together at the top of the screen) Step 3: Load an applet into the 'Current application's menu bar' > Current Applications' Menu Bar > right click > Add to panel > applet > i.e. try selecting 'clock' for example (NB. you should now see a digital clock in the Current Apps Menu Bar) Step 4: Remove the clock applet from the 'Current Apps Menu Bar' > Current Application's Menu Bar > right click > Remove from panel > applet > select clock (NB. you should now see the clock actually drop underneath the Current Apps Menu Bar (instead of removing it). A space seems to appear between the 'Current Apps Menu Bar' and the 'KDE Kicker'). Step 5: Disable the 'Current Applications Menu Bar' to create a KDE error that will enable you to temporarily load the Kpager2 in 3.4. > Control Center > Desktop > Behaviour > Menu Bar at the Top of the Screen > Select None (NB. The Current Application's Menu Bar and the 'Main KDE Kicker' should now both crash for a few seconds before the KDE Kicker will appear as normal. The KDE Crash Handler window should now appear with a error message. ------------------ Short Description The application KDE Panel (kicker) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV). What is This? An application mostly recieves the SIGSEGV signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save documents. What can I do? You might want to send a bug report for this application. Check if it is listed on, otherwise mail the author. Please included as much information as possible, maybe the original documents. If your have a way to reproduce the error, include this also. ------------------- NB. I have saved a backtrace report generated from the SIGSEGV bug in the following text file: Kpager2 Issue - Backtrace.txt | Email me if you would like it. ------------------- STEP 6: Now you can temporarily Load Kpager2 into the Kicker of KDE3.4 > right click Main Kicker > Add to Panel > applet > kpager2 (NB. Kpager will now run until you end or restart your session--after a reboot or x-server restart it will be missing again. If you try to reload the applet it will fail in KDE 3.4 (Distro used in this example: SuSE 9.3 Pro DVD Version running in 32bit mode)


Kpager2 Issue Observation in Suse 9.3 Professional KDE 3.4 - David Michael Chen ( (Australia) How to reproduce the error and temporarily load the Kpager. Step 1: Move the KDE Kicker to the top of the desktop > right click on the bottom or main Kicker > select configure > Step 2: Load the Mac OSX Styled Bar > Control Center > Desktop > Behaviour > Menu Bar at the Top of the Screen > Select Current application's menu bar (Mac OS-style) (NB. The Current Application's Menu Bar and the Main KDE Kicker should now appear together at the top of the screen) Step 3: Load an applet into the 'Current application's menu bar' > Current Applications' Menu Bar > right click > Add to panel > applet > i.e. try selecting 'clock' for example (NB. you should now see a digital clock in the Current Apps Menu Bar) Step 4: Remove the clock applet from the 'Current Apps Menu Bar' > Current Application's Menu Bar > right click > Remove from panel > applet > select clock (NB. you should now see the clock actually drop underneath the Current Apps Menu Bar (instead of removing it). A space seems to appear between the 'Current Apps Menu Bar' and the 'KDE Kicker'). Step 5: Disable the 'Current Applications Menu Bar' to create a KDE error that will enable you to temporarily load the Kpager2 in 3.4. > Control Center > Desktop > Behaviour > Menu Bar at the Top of the Screen > Select None (NB. The Current Application's Menu Bar and the 'Main KDE Kicker' should now both crash for a few seconds before the KDE Kicker will appear as normal. The KDE Crash Handler window should now appear with a error message. ------------------ Short Description The application KDE Panel (kicker) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV). What is This? An application mostly recieves the SIGSEGV signal due to a bug in the application. The application was asked to save documents. What can I do? You might want to send a bug report for this application. Check if it is listed on, otherwise mail the author. Please included as much information as possible, maybe the original documents. If your have a way to reproduce the error, include this also. ------------------- NB. I have saved a backtrace report generated from the SIGSEGV bug in the following text file: Kpager2 Issue - Backtrace.txt | Email me if you would like it. ------------------- STEP 6: Now you can temporarily Load Kpager2 into the Kicker of KDE3.4 > right click Main Kicker > Add to Panel > applet > kpager2 (NB. Kpager will now run until you end or restart your session--after a reboot or x-server restart it will be missing again. If you try to reload the applet it will fail in KDE 3.4 (Distro used in this example: SuSE 9.3 Pro DVD Version running in 32bit mode)


Under kde 3.3.2 appletproxy'ing kpager2 works for me after adding -lkparts at the link phase. Still it does not load into kicker, don't know why yet. 3ddesk seems to work fine with kpager2, though.


I tryed version 0.4 and 0.5 - it seems to work fine and looks excellent, but I had a memory leak: +1MB/2s - before 1.5 hour I had 100% RAM used and 100% swap used :O


(Kde 3.3.2 on Debian) Kpager2 seems to be great, but I have the same problem that gstnet. What more, 0.4 version is compiling well but it don't appear in kicker; I did: $appletproxy kpager2/kpager.desktop QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used (...) kbuildsycoca running... KWrited - listening of device /dev/pts/8 appletproxy: WARNING: cannot open applet: because of There is no library files for ".la" in the path. appletproxy: ERROR: Failed to load applet


Boah! - 0.4.2 is more than unstable! but, if you'd try it - just type kpager2 in the command line...


But I wanted it in Kicker :) I taked three files from v0.5: /usr/lib/libkpager2.* and kpager2.desktop; and v0.4 work very well, but It is second problem.


Clean install of FC3 then did a 'yum update'. Downloaded the kpager2 app. Followed the instruction to a T. Get the following on 'make' kpager.cpp: In constructor `KPager2::KPager2(KPagerMainWindow*, const char*)': kpager.cpp:122: error: aggregate `QImage img' has incomplete type and cannot be defined kpager.cpp:124: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct QImage' /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qwindowdefs.h:74: error: forward declaration of `struct QImage' kpager.cpp:124: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct QImage' /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qwindowdefs.h:74: error: forward declaration of `struct QImage' kpager.cpp:125: error: no matching function for call to `QPixmap::convertFromImage()' /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qpixmap.h:118: note: candidates are: bool QPixmap::convertFromImage(const QImage&, QPixmap::ColorMode) /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qpixmap.h:119: note: bool QPixmap::convertFromImage(const QImage&, int) kpager.cpp:128: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct QImage' /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qwindowdefs.h:74: error: forward declaration of `struct QImage' kpager.cpp:128: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct QImage' /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qwindowdefs.h:74: error: forward declaration of `struct QImage' kpager.cpp:129: error: no matching function for call to `QPixmap::convertFromImage()' /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qpixmap.h:118: note: candidates are: bool QPixmap::convertFromImage(const QImage&, QPixmap::ColorMode) /usr/lib/qt-3.3/include/qpixmap.h:119: note: bool QPixmap::convertFromImage(const QImage&, int) kpager.cpp: In member function `void KPager2::slotBackgroundChanged(int)': kpager.cpp:686: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments make[2]: *** [kpager.lo] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/kpager2-0.6.0/src' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/kpager2-0.6.0' make: *** [all] Error 2 This is sort of silly. I've seen many apps compile correctly. I have also seen much better configure programs where they check and inform you. I suspect your configure file is inadequate for the task. Code the right stuff into it so we can compile your app or withdraw it from the repository. It makes no sense to have hundreds of people trying to resolve your problems.


"It makes no sense to have hundreds of people trying to resolve your problems." That is whole purpose of open source. One comes out with an idea and then through community effort that idea is developed into something. Rather them complaining maybe you could consider contributing your time and money. That would give you click and run app you are looking for. Btw, if you did read other users' comments on this site, you would know how to solve that compilation error you are having.


"Btw, if you did read other users' comments on this site, you would know how to solve that compilation error you are having." I'm having the same issue, and I don't know how to solve it, despite poking around a bit on the site. Do you think you could be a bit more informative? Thanks.


add #include in kpager.cpp it should work. If it's a known problem why not change the src?


sorry #include "kpager.h"


jeeez i'm stupid! it's #include "qimage.h"


Open source to me is about choice. It isn't about helping those programmers that never learned the basic rule of common decency in society--the user comes first. You need to get that through your head. The users come first--not second to open source, not second to foss, not second to the gpl. It is about doing it all, doing it right the first time, about taking responsibility for your own work, and about not making excuses or passing the buck. We know this because we want to have a better world that isn't dominated by one company making all the choices for us. Open source is not about asking the user to help you make a better product so you can go out and charge others for the support due to screw ups in your code. Unfortuantly this is the thrust of the current crop of FOSS programmers. The current crop of people such as yourself are killing linux. It is your lack of attention to detail, your unwillingness to put the effort into doing it right the first time, your unwillingness to take ownership of your problems and using your brain enough so that you can provide adequate support on minor problems--instead of major defects like kpager2 is. Kpager2 is so bad that there's only one single distro that has an rpm for it built today. That one is suse. In fact, many months after the release of this, that one distro only has an older 0.5.x version of it. The 0.6.x version doesn't even work. I think that says alot for anyone coming here criticizing kpager2--they are justified. These guys need to cease work on this and go save the whales.


Compile worked fine after adding #include in kpager.cpp , but applet cannot be loaded into kicker. I can start it with appletproxy kpager2.desktop and switching desktops wokrs, but middle clicking or right clicking on it makes it exit with this errror: appletproxy: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN14KURIFilterData4initERK7QString kde 3.3.2 qt 3.3.3

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