kbfx-0.4.8rc2 debian package
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Ratings & Comments
You know, when combined with 3ddesktop, on slack 12, this pager is SUPER CLOSE to what I have always been looking for!! That brings to mind a question of the final feature that would totally make this pager go way over the top as the best pager forever, period. One that will probably be imitated, but never duplicated! Here's the feature... First we got ~/Desktop This is as usual spanned across all the pages. That's great... let's call this, the "root desktop"... With me so far? Great! Ok, now let's say we have a dir, ~/Kpagertwo/ , or similar... perhaps make this configurable! ;-) Still with me? OK, here's the cool part! within this "root" we have.... ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop1 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop2 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop3 ~/$KPAGERTWOHOME/Desktop4 ...etcetera Now, lets say, for sake of illistration, we are on Desktop 2... Take all the files/icons there, and *OVERLAY* them ontop of the *ROOT* "~/Desktop/" You end up with not just a pager anymore, but the ability to group icons on a *PER PAGE BASIS*! An example Use: o All your web stuff on a specific desktop o All your audio stuff o etcetera, etcetera... Whatcha think?
A SlackWare 10.2 TGz Package, with SlackBuild Script is Ready to Download!! http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=1&func=fileinfo&filecatid=857&parent=category
Pager of my dreams! Better than Fvwm pager (that I think it was the best pager). Really cool.
Nice app.! Waitin' 4 .rpm's (: