firefox like finder bar for all kde apps
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Screenshot 2: highlighting changes
There is a wishlist entry (feature request) at http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93439
So if you care, vote for it!
One thing I really love in Firefox is the instant search. I really miss that in KDE programs (Konqueror, Konsole, Kwrite, Kmail, ...).
I whish the current Find (or KFind??) component would be enhanced to this functionality. It would speed up work quite a bit.
I think you all know how the Find-tool works in Firefox, nevertheless I'll describe the implementation here:
- Pressing CTRL-F the first time brings up the find-toolbar above the status bar
- the cursor is automatically placed in the find-input-area, so you can start typing right away
- after some letters (2 or 3) the instant search already shows the first match in the content window
- the matching text is highlighted
- you can use the "find forward" and "find backward" buttons to jump to more results
version 0.2:
-added the "highlight all occurences" option checkbox to the mockup screenshots
-renamed this entry to fit the name of the whishlist entry at http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93439
probably not many people know (thanks to dresnu):
-konqueror provides part of this feature by just typing in "/" (normal slash)
-this works only when there is no active cursor in the window (e.g. in a textbox, text input field, ...)
-Example: /konqueror finds all occurrences of "konqueror" in the current page, F3 can be used to cycle (forward only) through the results
Ratings & Comments
it feels strange having the old search dialog just for options like regular expression or search in selected text.. i propose the search panel to be extended, instead of being "replaced" by the old dialog http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/2556/finderbaroptionsmockupsm5.jpg but maybe search "from cursor" doesnt make much sense if you are "searching while typing" and maybe regular expression search could disable "search while typing" if it gets too slow or maybe there could be a check box for "search while typing"
I like the idea of a more compact and usable find mechanism. "-konqueror provides part of this feature by just typing in "/" (normal slash)" Thats quite likely taken from vi keybindings ("j" and "k" for scrolling also work). Since I am quite used to the vi shortcuts - are there any plans to make this configureable? Or is it already? It would be nice to be able to use "/" as search initiator, "n" to move to the next hit and "N" to move to the former hit. That would make it possible to search without the fingers having to leave their place on the keyboard or groping around the F keys. Possible?
It is very good if it works in File manager if the directory contain a lot of files. With xmms playlist like any key any order search
it is already even in kate: Press F7 and type "ifind enterhereyourtext"
A similar feature is already available in konqueror when used as a web browser. Just press "/" (which can also be used in firefox instead of Ctrl+F) and you 'll see down on the left that it says "Starting -- find text as you type". It then works exactly as in firefox, and you can jump from one result to the other with F3.
cool... I didn't know that... a very hidden feature ;) Although, it only works when there is no active cursor in the window... Anyway, the point is that not every application (konversation, konqueror,...) should try to implement it's own version of an instant search (or find). The goal would be to have this as a kpart available for all applications
Ha thats a nice one, didn't know it earlier. :)
It is a feature that I also miss, but firefox is not an option for me. It has some nice ideas, but I never liked it globally. To have this into kde should not be so difficult. It is just a matter of creating a kpart and integrating it with the rest of apps. Konqueror accepts kpart, you can even embed konsole on it, so this should not be much different. I am not a kde developer, so, it would be nice if someone with the knowledge could deny or confirm this.
i don't think one should open a new bug report, maybe it's better to add comments instead (btw, kde-apps really need a more defined category for this kind of ideas and mockup...)
I think this is a related bug report - it is very, very sad that the konqueror developers do not react in this case. There are more users needed to vote on this bug, and more users needed to make clear that this is a huge usability thing, and that the old solution is not very usable, userfriendly or has any advantages above this mentioned one at all. So: comment and vote on this bug (or create a new one covering more applications, and post it here): http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93439 liquidat
I'm a big fan of this feature in firefox :) It's elegant and very usable, i hope this can be integrated more globally in KDE one day Here you can find a small extension I made: http://danakil.free.fr/firefox/ Description : Allow you to switch the Find Bar on or off with Ctrl-F shortcut (instead of having to manually close it)
Already available in konversation.