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Nice wallpapers.You from Bulgaria
Nice wallpapers.You from Bulgaria?
No, not from Bulgaria but Serbia.
"Gospodin pingvin" or "Господин пингвин" (in cyrillic) are words from most slavic countries. So this is russian word, croatian/serbian/bosnian, BULGARIAN... ;) The word "gospodin"="Mr." is similar to "Gospod Bog"="The God", but the meaning is different as you see.
Ovo je, ponavljam, cist srpski jezik! :)
Jos ima vremena da nauce. :)
Ko im je kriv Ă„Ä…Ă‹"ˇto ne govore srpski tako da ih cijeli svijet razumije, zar ne? ;-)
It's serbian language. And for all who prefer english, name of this picture is Mister Penguin. ;)
Gospodin is Mister in Bulgarian language. We should ask the author in which language is.
I don't think that's russian. That is definitely croatian/serbian/bosnian, whatever you want to call it, and if it happens to have the same meaning in russian, you are right, but I doubt it. You got the meaning right, though.
Do you mean "God" by word "Gospodin"? Is whole name intended to be something like "God Tux" ??
"Gospodin" is the Russian equivalent of "mister". So, it's Mister Penguin.