get the soundwave - purple
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Added 1600x1200 version
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
I love amarok, it's a pleasure to browse your gigabytes of music in such an easy way. Previously I was used to put all music in separated dirs but I had the dilemma: do I make and Artist folder? or an album one? or do I sort by genre? year?? ... Now I put all my music in a single folder and let amarok manage the whole collection! And the new context browser it's kicking ass! It's fun to move through songs or albums of one artist. And I finally know 'the song I like best', it's the one that I played 58 times :-P Suggestion: on the context panel you can insert a small panel with some random songs of the same genre (or maybe the most played ones). This way you can navigate from an author to another and enhance your browsing. Thanks to all amarok developers!! You've done a great job!
yeah, i will do it! it will most prolly come along with a musicbrainz integration, but after 1.0. till that it'd be great, if you could file this wish at, describing all your ideas. thanks for the kind words, muesli
amaroK rocks! =) And this wallpaper too, very nice.
Cool picture, but I'm confused. You have a (c) in the description, which I take to mean 'copyright', but you've released the wallpaper as GPL?
Copyright and GPL are not mutually exclusive, or are they? You can publish your copyrighted works under the GPL, AFAIK. Copyright just says that you're the creator of this work.
Hmm.. I suppose you can have copyrighed images under the GPL, its just not something I've seen often. :)
Copyright just means that you have the rights to decide on the copying policies for the media. I assure you you'll find a copyright notice attached to everything released under the GPL. The authors have just decided to waiver the various rights the laws of most countries offer them with regard to the distribution of their work. Without assigning a copyright they would have no authority to release their work under the GPL.
That rocks! Very fantastic wallpaper! Can you please add some higher resolutions? Please! You have saving my weekend!
For higher resolutions you must ask Roman, the creator of this image (I only submitted it for him). His address: Maybe he's gonna read this forum, not sure (he's not a linux user).