For the technic-freaks among you: It was taken with a Linhof Technicardan 4x5", with 6x9cm-Cassette on Fujichrome Velvia.
I hope you enjoy it, if so post some comments, i have just more shots like this one

And in the end: Sorry for my bad english, didnt really like it at school

Ratings & Comments
being curious: which system monitor are you using (the one on the screenshot) ?
Hi, Thx that you like it :D That`s the Aero AIO-Karamba-theme :) http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31981
After looking at your work, I can scarcely believe that such beatiful pictures can be taken by mortal man. Unreal!
hey man, thx for this nice comment :) Immortal... could get funny ^^
Very nice picture!
thx :)