Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- improwed quality
- added secon color theme wallpaper simulating sunset lights
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Ratings & Comments
thanks for your well done work. best wishes, Dave.
what is the problem with having the images on this webpage ? even if he has adds ?! good for him. stupid ppl in this world. open source and free world is not working for you for free and having to give you all for free. if he makes the images , better for him if he receives something for it. of course , if he updates the images just to get clicks , that is a little stupid.
>of course, if he updates the images just to get clicks, that is a little stupid. that's EXACTLY what he's been doing for ages
Forget his Page! Just vote him down because he updates his images every other day!
I forgot to mention that his updated images usually are not changed in any way.
i agree completely
necessary? no! useful? no way! but the guy's website has google ads on it. in my opinion, that's not a fair bahaviour, and his wallpapers should be boycotted. period.
Of course it is not necesry for me, but as You can see on kde-look You may story only 700kb not more ;p Many of my packages are bigest, so IT IS NECESERY ! Second reason: I have many wallpapers and themes, so I have to more control to it. What more? Hm, I pay to server and domain, why I can't have baners on my private site? I give work on wallpapers, themes, icons etc. and publish it for free on GPL or similar license, So if You don't like my work, of course You can vote bad, You free to do it PS Look at top of this site ( here is google adsens too ;p. More over here is many stupid links and baners at right site. Hmm, at all is not organisation non profit, their make many every time You are here. ps2. Have a nice day, and make free software ;)
too bad that most of your wallpapers are well below the 700 Kb quota, so PLEASE don't take that as a reason.
Cheers xactive!!! You rock! I don't mind your site or kde-look getting paid as long as I am getting the wallpaper for free :) In fact, if a few hits from my browser can add up something in your adsense account, I would feel really happy that you are getting something in return for giving us great wallpapers. Keep working for the Linux community!!!
thnx ;)
Error [403] Forbidden : Dostęp zabroniony If the picture is too big, please, bzip it! I hate nothing more than pictures that I like but can't download!
Is this really necessary to link to another site to download the wallpapers? I think this is not very useful.
Woooow You are winshid fun hehehe I can see it on You home page
Yes, also but what's the question about my employer?