To install it on your Debian box go to:
and follow the instruction. Then, to install the package type:
apt-get install kwin-decor-akdc
All bugs and issues related to the theme/style shall be reported to its original author. Debian package issues shall be reported to me.
RATING: Please DO NOT rate the theme, style or window decoration here. This project is just for Debian package as such, not for its content. If you like/dislike the content go to the page of origin (URL given above and vote there). Thanks.

Ratings & Comments
i can't compile it on TDE R14.0.8 doesn't exist
I know. I'd love to post the packages, but I got no clue where. I am not going to keep my repo any longer (at leaast not now). sorry
I've got more server space than I know what to do with. I'll host them for you if you'd like
Hello there! First, thx for this. I tried to compile it from the sources, but it didn't work for me. But I have a little question. Is in this package only the nVidia-Theme? I would like to have the Corona-Theme, but didn't find it. Greets Seroh
same here...all I get in nVidia, as well. :(
Try this:
hi, i added the source to my sources list but still get the error "file or directory not found". made apt-get update several times but still didnt succeed. did anything change? thx for hints and answers ;-)
...where's the package? It's neither on nor on that Polish server.
Mentors lags a bit when you upload. Try now.
It's there now. I already saw it a couple of hours ago. :)