Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
so I want to thank Chris Lee for this style. Because of this right-to-left layouts
should work mostly, however, I couldn't test it myself, and completeley new widgets
may not render correctly in RTL mode.
The name Konx comes from the great Gonx mockups
First I wanted to implement this style pixelwise in KDE but noticed very early
that the drop shadows of the widgets were difficult to implement without real
transparency support. So I removed the drop shadows again, and changed some widgets
to my liking, but Gonx was my inspiration for this style, so thank you for the
My development system runs on KDE 3.4, but Konx may also work with older
version of KDE3. If it doesn't, report the error to me, and I _may_ be able to
fix it.
Once you've compiled this with the standard:
$ ./configure
$ make
# sudo make install
You can select the style from the KDE Control Center.
It also installs a color scheme 'Konx' which is highly recommended to use with the
Konx widget style.
The following settings can be changed in the [Settings] section of your ~/.qt/kstylerc file:
UseAlternativeColors=false, if you don't like it, that the menu items/scrollbar/column headers are drawn in a slighly brighter color
PopupMenuDelay=50. This is the timeout (in milliseconds) to wait until a submenu is opened automatically. Faster settings (=lower numbers) are highly recommended for a fast style, but some people might not like it.
Known bugs/todos:
- 'make distcheck' does not work properly. When there are additional files in the top level directory, they get included in the tarball, which they shouldn't (bug inherited from dotNET).
Please report any other bugs/improvements/patches, if possible.
Thanks for usefularts.org for hosting!
Martin Stubenschrott
stubenschrott (@) gmx (.) net
Mar 13, 2005:
- version 0.3 released, since I don't plan to really improve the style until Qt4/KDE4 arrives with it's completely new theming engine.
Oct 29, 2004:
- scrollbars have a slightly new design
Oct 10, 2004:
- now focus highlighting also works for all QScrollView based widgets.
date picker and spin box do not work yet, but it will come as well as
a possibility to turn it off.
Oct 08, 2004:
- first implementation of macos x like focus highlighting of lineedits,
still very buggy and not complete for all widgets
Sep 24, 2004:
- header have a larger grip margin now, which makes it easier to resize
- made buttons lighter than the background
Jul 25, 2004:
- the background of combo boxes' and spin widgets' arrows is now
cg.base() instead of cg.background()
Jul 23, 2004:
- unselected tabs in a QTabBar are offset by 1 pixel now
Ratings & Comments
Looks decent, However have you thought of experimenting some thing about the radio buttons and certainly the progress bar needs some work so as to make it more distinct.
konx.cpp:51:20: konx.moc: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [konx.lo] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/vadim/BUILD/konx-0.3/konx' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/vadim/BUILD/konx-0.3' make: *** [all] Error 2
Anybody else getting the same error? I tried to unpack the tar.gz, and do exactly the steps of configuring and making the project, and didn't get the same error :(
Hi, I like to see your style with more smooth widgets (smooth border for buttons/ tabs etc).Currently buttons are having little rough look. Anyway I like this style. It's going nice with current crystal win deco. Thank you for the style
Nice, that you like my style :) Unfortunaltely i REALLY like sharp corners/contrast, but there is a new style called dotCURVE, which looks rather similar to mine, but has rounded widgets everywhere, if you prefer it. regards, Martin
Sure dotCURVE looks like konx, I did many copy & paste. Your style was my inspiration, I was going to call it konxCurve, but I did not want to confuse people mixing your style with my novice coding. Thanks for doing a great style and code. The screenshot is a collage with gimp? what do you have?
Thanks for the compliment, but it should really go to clee (dotNET's author), since 80% of Konx is his code. And nice to see, that you got over a score of over 80%, although it's not so much different from mine apart from rounded corner (yet). So, obviously most people like rounded corners :) And thanks for forking dotNet and Konx, because I already saw some differences in your style (especially the use of a slightly brigher color for the background of QPushButton's), which I may integrate back into my style :) To the screenshot: No it's not a collage with Gimp, that's a normal screenshot of my Desktop. That's also, why there are some kicker drawing problems, because I don't use the full KDE package myself, but a great window manager called Ion (http://modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/ion/), which has non-overlapping workspaces, so all windows line up side by side.
Hi, your style is great, but it can't top the Reinhardt Style atm. a) The deviding lines at kicken don't look really nice b) the taskbar of my active window doesn't have the color which i selected for it :( c) if an application is flashing at kicker the background and the font have the same color, so you can't read something... keep on...
thanks for the feedback. Since I don't use kicker (or other KDE-specific things like KWin or desktop icons) myself, I don't put a lot of effort into this. But I will try it out to start kicker, and if it isn't a lot of work, I *may* implement your suggestions, but without guarantee.
I love this theme, it's minimalistic and very polished.
I wanna install but my system is a chaos, when i try to compile it in my suse 9.1 box i get the following message:
checking for libz... configure: error: not found. Possibly configure picks up an outdated version installed by XFree86. Remove it from your system.
Could be a problem with Xorg? i intalled it few days agoThanks and sorry with my english....
Fine that you like my style - minimalism but still looking good and polished is my main aim of this style :) do you find something, when you do a: 'locate libz.so' in your shell? There should be at least some entry like: /usr/lib/libz.so if you don't find something, your z-lib isn't installed properly, which is unlikely though. Sorry, but otherwise I really can't give you more advice since every system is very different, and I don't use SuSE myself.
Hi, can anybody tell me, how these fonts are called? I love this, it looks as good as windows fonts. i use gentoo with xfs/kernel 2.6.6/kde 3.2.2 how can i install these fonts? thank you very much 4 answering my question!
> can anybody tell me, how these fonts are called? I love this, it looks as good as windows fonts. Well, they ARE the windows fonts, that's why they look as good :) It's called 'Tahoma'. > how can i install these fonts? well, it depends on you distro. In gentoo, you should be able to do this: "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge corefonts" but although being a gentoo user myself, I never tried it, but just copied the font (from a windows installation) manually to: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/tahoma.ttf" "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/tahomab.ttf" Also make sure, that these settings are activated in you /etc/X11/XF86Config: FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF" Sorry I can't give more information, hope this helps, otherwise there are a lot of TrueTypeFont HOWTO's on the internet and gentoo forums.
This is awesome. I've always been a fan of gonx (was a BeOS user back in the day), and its nice to see the look get implemented in KDE. One complaint, though: it looks like Konx inherits a problem from .NET wherein disabled scrollbars have very distorted-looking arrows, with a partial extra-line of black pixels on the bottom side.
Thanks - glad you like it even without Gonx's drop shadows :) Thanks for the bug report, I noticed it myself once, but was too lazy to inspect the problem. However, due to your report I did, and this drawing was made intentionally by clee's dotNET theme (in the PE_Arrow* primitiveElement's code). Now I fixed it, since I didn't like this either. No new version number, but just grab the tar.gz again from the same location, it should work (if it doesn't, then tell me, since it is nearly 5.00 a.m. now :)
One of the cleanest styles ever for KDE.. I love it.