Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I tried dark themes, because they looked cool, but they didn't cut it for me. Then Edge came to be.
Thank you all for the downloads and the kind comments and votes!
Should anything go wrong, ask! If you like it, please leave a comment.
Installation: Extract the tarball to your home folder then see the readme file for detailed instructions on applying the theme. Last changelog:
Thank you all for the downloads and the kind comments and votes!
Should anything go wrong, ask! If you like it, please leave a comment.
Installation: Extract the tarball to your home folder then see the readme file for detailed instructions on applying the theme.
Dec 24, 2007: 1px window borders; square bottom corners; smaller window frame buttons; glossy black and thinner Kicker; updated README; redone tarball.
Oct 11, 2007: Updated README; Redone tarball; Switched window decoration to Crystal, following a suggestion by usrkl - Thanks!
Oct 11, 2007: Added a README file with detailed installation instructions
Oct 4, 2007: Initial release
Ratings & Comments
I just think that the Firefox's theme "Silvermel": https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/addon/7517 Is better for Edge. Thanks.
Excelent work, very very good. Congratulations!
Thank you for share your work with all of us. Nice theme. ;)
Hey, nice to know people still like this! Thank you! I never thought Edge would endure this long, but it seems KDE 4.x is doing it wonders… :evil: :P
perfect work! thank you!
Whoa! Coming from you, that's a huge compliment! Thank you!
Why does this have such a high rating? it looks ok, but most of it is not his work, (wallpaper is default that ships with KDE4, Crystal Project), there is nothing inherently wrong with that, it is just nice to see someone get to the top by at least mostly there own work. The panel could use some improvement too. There are so many themes, much better than this one, that deserve this spot and the rating. Such as Azenis http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis?content=77150 and if you want a good light theme, look just a few spots down at NuoveXT2. I honestly just don't get why this theme has such a high rating.
Quote:I honestly just don't get why this theme has such a high rating.
In all honesty, to be really frank, me neither… I occasionally drop by and out of curiosity I check the number of downloads, only to be be surprised because it has been steadily (albeit slowly) been increasing since I posted it.
You're right, I only put together the work of others and made little effort on doing so. But you can trust me that I didn't vote myself good (can I? I haven't tried :P)… what gain would I have? See my other contents: I am not an active member on KDE-Look nor do I intend to be one. I just share what I think others might like.
I am surprised also because I didn't make a .kth file because I was lazy (and still am :P), yet people keep downloading and voting...
I sincerely don't know why nor what, but these numbers must mean something, and I guess I can somehow feel a bit proud for that… at least for now… :)
Quote:it looks ok, […] there is nothing inherently wrong with that
Thank you, really!
Quote:There are so many themes, much better than this one, that deserve this spot and the rating. Such as Azenis […] if you want a good light theme, look just a few spots down at NuoveXT2.
If you imply that effort is the main requirement for a theme to be rated good, then I'm doomed. :)
Seriously though, let's see: wow, that Azenis must have been tough work! It's really great, although I still prefer light-colored widgets. As for your theme, that's a matter of taste, as is the case with every piece of art here and elsewhere.
• Widget style: QtCurve (by CraigD) is really awesome! As for the colors, I myself don't like coloured widgets very much (even though I'm experimenting with this kind of stuff right now); for me, Domino and QtCurve are so great rivals that I'm often uncertain of which one to use :)
• Window decoration: I'm not in love with that, either; it's cool, but for me, less is more
• KBFX theme: Looks very nice, but I don't like/use KBFX (I really prefer Katapult and a custom KDesktop menu many times over)
• Icon theme: NuoveXT 2 icons (by saki) are great, but I like Everaldo's Crystal Project much better
• Wallpaper: I never keep a wallpaper for more than three days… :) Eos (by Vlad Gerasimov of Vladstudio) was chosen for the color, so that it fits with the general icon theme colors, and because it does look great; your wallpaper choices are great, too (I have that yellow green one here in my collection, thanks! ^_^)
But then that's just my taste, and it appears it is a couple of other people's, too. Let them be ;)
I guess your right, it's all about peoples taste. Just to clarify, I was not trying to imply that this is not a good looking theme (except for the panel) or mine is better, it is just disheartening that an artist can put over a months worth of effort attempting to perfect a theme and then get booted back by a GPL compilation. Oh well, that's the beauty of GPL, being able to take the best of everything and throw it together.
I agree with you completely, except that I do like my panel… :P
hi, thanks for the theme.. i am on my way to install the icons, and was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on how to merge the two icon themes together, so that those of us who are interested can try it out. regards,
Well I did it mostly manually: I copied the folder of the set found here (the newest of the two), and opened it side by side with the one from the Freespire repositories. Then, for each icon category (i.e., apps, filesystems, devices, and so on), I checked whether icons from the oldest were better than or missing in the newest. For example, if I found that I should get icon apps/foo.png from the oldest to the newest set, I'd do something like this: Quote:cd $newest_set_folder
for i in ??x?? ???x???; do cp $oldest_set_folder/$i/apps/foo.png $newest_set_folder/$i/apps/; done
But, for the life of me I can't remember which were all of the icons I copied over. Just remember that not all sizes have all the icons, making the job a bit more troublesome. There must be some easier way of doing this, though. ;)
Well, we still have the option of asking Everaldo to do the merger himself, I guess. :)
Thanks, the theme is very clear and pleasant to use, it's great. One thing: can you upload your merged icon theme? Crystal Project icons are cool, but both tar.gz files are kinda incomplete.
Yes they are, and that's why I merged them; as for uploading, I'd have to ask Everaldo first, then find a host he approves of. And thank you!
I really am having a hard time getting these icons installed. Everytime I go through to install new icon theme and click on the tar.gz file, it says it is not a valid icon theme set
What .tar.gz are you referring to? The tarball I provided contains the instructions to apply the theme and some other files — the icon theme isn't included. It is Crystal Project by Everaldo, as you can see in the README: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Crystal+Project?content=60475 http://software.linspire.com/pool-src/f/fos-crystal-project-icons/ You can get either one; they should install just fine. I actually downloaded both and merged them, since one has icons the other one hasn't and vice versa. On the other hand, if you've been having problems with Everaldo's tarballs themselves, I'd suggest you to contact him directly. Thank you for your interest on the theme! Should you have any more problems, feel free to ask away.
Yeah, I was having problems getting them installed from those two files. I am running Mandriva 2008 if that helps any. If not I will just contact the source. Thanks!
The downloaded archive file does contain nothing but one readme file and three jpeg images. How does one install this theme?
If you extracted the tarball to your home folder, the theme files are already in place (they go to specific directories inside your ~/.kde folder). All that's left is to follow the instructions in the README file to apply the theme. If it still doesn't work, please comment here.
oh that confused me too.. Didn't unpack the files in my home-dir (I wanted to place the files my self), but couldn't find any of them except for the readme and the images... Didn't think about showing hidden files/dirs. :)
hm...this looks like domino...
Yeah, that's Domino, as I say in the readme.
that's why it wasn't working. hahaha! i just used the crystal style provided by repository of the distro i am using. i just assumed it was the latest version because it's bleeding edge in general anyway. anyway, thank you for the help. ill be working on it soon.
Hi! Im so envious of the screenshots. The moment I laid eyes on those three screenshots I immediately worked to get my desktop as close to it as possible. Please help. I cant seem to find the problem with my window decorations. Ive already installed everything that has to be installed and the kwincrystalrc file is already there. But I still have a plain looking window. Ive also asked it in my distros forum but no one can help me.Please take a look. Ive posted a screenshot here. [html]http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=40483[/html]
From that screenshot I assume you have a rather old version of the window decoration... What version number do you have there?