Stickers 7
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A lot of the capsulas, including mine are dark colored. I wanted to make some bright ones using, if possible, the official colors of the distro.
Here is the initial result. Last changelog:
Here is the initial result.
Added Linux Mint, Pardus, Zenwalk and MCNLive
Added KateOS (Thanks Peter G.) and Linux
Added Kubuntu (Thanks Peter G.), Xubuntu and Edubuntu. Fixed Ubuntu.
Added Gentoo, Archlinux and Slackware
Added CentOS and Debian
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
9 +
Mandriva Linux it is give to the community and it is renamed to OpenMandriva Linux, so OMLx an lil update it's maybe not bad for OpenMandriva Linux Community in Private Hands/association/organization . Best Regards Blacky
great, but i think knoppix is missing...
May I request a PClinuxOS sticker too? Pclos magazine has one you can order, or just make one from the image they give, but it looks to corporate to me.
i would let the border always be black. 2 colors don't look good imho just compare debian or arch with e.g. mandriva
What about adding a SourceMage GNU/Linux sticker ? the official site is http://www.sourcemage.org/ while some graphics sources are here : http://dbg.download.sourcemage.org/logos/ thanks in advance if such a sticker is made :)
some efects http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/7776/linuxcopylm3.png
nice !!!
Isn't Gentoo's colour scheme more to the lila?
Also, the title font is wrong. Check out http://www.gentoo.org/ The others are great, though.
The color is also from the logo itself. I don't know the exact font name. If you can tell me where i can get the font i can use it. :-)
Is it just me or is that Cyan in the Kubuntu logo? The background color seems a bit off... Otherwise, great work!
I don't know, it's the official Kubuntu logo and color scheme. It came straight of the kubuntu wiki. The "crystal" version of the Kubuntu logo, that came with version 6.10, is a bit darker, tough. The 7.04 logo is even darker, but it would make the sticker a bit dark if you used that color scheme, don't you think? ;)
it looks like we've created the kateos version just about the same time :) please see http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/powered+by+kateos?content=56862
I saw that too. Got mine emailed from Peter G, yesterday. Uploaded it today. Nice work, people can choose now, and that is what Linux is all about.
yep, it sure is :)
Great work again Pete !
can i request a 2 more? One fore kateos - http://www.kateos.org/ and one just for linux :)?
Do you know where to find a svg version of the kateos logo? I searched but couldn't find it.
KateOS and Linux added.
These stickers are very nice, but I suggest that you rotate the "circle of friends" on the ubuntu sticker so that the middle-orange head is pointing left, like in the original ubuntu logo. And could you please add an kubuntu and xubuntu version? Otherwise, they are very nice.
I fixed Ubuntu and added your Kubuntu. Thanks.