KBFX Panic Button
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I wanted a "panic" button. Yes, I know. It doesn't necessarily make sense. It isn't as though your kmenu should invoke a sense of irrational dread or anything, and, no, panic and cute neon colors don't usually go hand-in-hand. Nonetheless, I like these. I'm hoping someone else will too. So, here they are: Six seductively candylike KBFX buttons inviting you to do what your guts have been telling you to do all along.
Have fun with 'em. Last changelog:

Added the source SVG. A warning first. Though everybody uses Inkscape, I've never used it myself. I made these in SodiPodi. As such, I don't know if you'll be able to open said source SVG in Inkscape. I'm guessing you can. It's worth a try. Let me know how it goes.
ALSO, you might want to surf to www.dafont.com and download the font "Pussycat Snickers".
Ratings & Comments
a great idea :)
i love the design. the 'panic' button is a nice idea, but id rather have something like 'menu' or 'linux', is it possible to give the source or just a blank image so that we can add our own text? great work!
Good idea. I've updated the archive to include the source SVG.
thanks!! i made it into "linux' ;) btw: what is that shiny panel background?
The panel background's just a glassy, greyish gradient made in Gimp. It actually almost looks exactly like Djwilly's YAKBI (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=8738), so I didn't think to include it. YAKBI should be a perfect match.
I don't know why I like the idea of a panic button so much. If one can have a start button to shut down with, we can have a panic button :) It's enough to make me finally install kbfx
Please share the wallpaper too!
(Wallpaper's up now) ^_^
man those are great. I am going to enjoy putting a pink panic button on my kicker. I love your desktop background too. where did you get that? I've seen similar on pixelgirlpresents.com. Keep up the good work and have fun with your computer...after all it's not windows.
Thanks! The wallpaper is something I made partially as practice using only vector tools (no Gimp this time), and partially as an afterthought to match the buttons. I wasn't sure what sort of reaction something so sugar-coma-inducing would get at KDE/Linux themed site with a primarily male audience. So I snuck it into the screenshot ^_^. (Wow, pixelgirlpresents.com does have some demoniacally cute stuff. Neat link!)