hey Buddha001
my theme is all custom made, the colors i have picked to resemble gentoo :) purples dark colors and slight pinks to whites for the fonts,
for the taskbars, there is a file in the theme tar.gz - panel_bar.png and i just set that as my panel background.
thanks for the compliments,
i like my desktop too, linux is the way man :)
have a nice day bru,
Thanks for the comments and sugestions!
I have changed the folder name, thank you PhobosK :)
I have made the preview smaller, thank you, PhobosK :)
squidy, i have gotten this ebuild and emerged it from there.
enjoy the day guys,
Sorry but...
There is a limitation in the naming of the themes...
The name of the theme(respectively the folder's name) cannot contain . (dot) so this theme in the current situation will not be shown and used by KBFX at all.
I will change that behaviour and limit to not using themes beginning with a dot so in the official stable this theme could be seen/used. Till then u may just rename it....
Sorry again
And some more info...
The preview.png image should be not more than 270x210 pixels because:
1. It is not scaled in the preview window...
2. If it is bigger than that it means it has more kb as size - for example yours is 231kb so ... you may reduce its size and width/height
KBFX is an alternative startmenu for KDE 3.2+. It improves users' experience by replacing the Win95-like K-Logo button and menu with a larger and thus more visible start button and menu. Wikipedia
Ratings & Comments
how dl it man.i dont know!!!!!
hey Buddha001 my theme is all custom made, the colors i have picked to resemble gentoo :) purples dark colors and slight pinks to whites for the fonts, for the taskbars, there is a file in the theme tar.gz - panel_bar.png and i just set that as my panel background. thanks for the compliments, i like my desktop too, linux is the way man :) have a nice day bru,
What theme are you using to get the dark taskbars and how are you changing the font color on the taskbars? It looks pretty sweet!
Thanks for the comments and sugestions! I have changed the folder name, thank you PhobosK :) I have made the preview smaller, thank you, PhobosK :) squidy, i have gotten this ebuild and emerged it from there. http://www.kbfx.org/release/0.4.9/testing/kbfx-9999.ebuild enjoy the day guys,
So thanks man. ;)
Where did you find the ebuild for kbfx-*?
Sorry but... There is a limitation in the naming of the themes... The name of the theme(respectively the folder's name) cannot contain . (dot) so this theme in the current situation will not be shown and used by KBFX at all. I will change that behaviour and limit to not using themes beginning with a dot so in the official stable this theme could be seen/used. Till then u may just rename it.... Sorry again
And some more info... The preview.png image should be not more than 270x210 pixels because: 1. It is not scaled in the preview window... 2. If it is bigger than that it means it has more kb as size - for example yours is 231kb so ... you may reduce its size and width/height