Description: this is just nanoramba ( where the idea is the informations to be in a small place and not covering your half desktop and i just put them verticly so that they can be placed on the left or right of the desktop and still look nice.Also i used some other icons taken from cynapses.(yeah i am not creative enough to make my ownes ) Hope you like it.(if you like the old icons you just have to delete the 2 from the names from the folder nanoramba2/images ex memory2.png to memory.png
the red line on the screeshot does not exist is just a way for you to see the themeLast changelog:
added a .swf of a windows os (that doesn't change karamba but it's funny and i wanted to upload it)
The icons set is awesome!! I look for them everywhere on kde-look, deviantart and gnome-look but is to much, can You tell where U found them?? or name of icon set Tank You!!
I did a search for "Jennifer Love Hewitt" on DA, and found a similar one:
Ratings & Comments
The icons set is awesome!! I look for them everywhere on kde-look, deviantart and gnome-look but is to much, can You tell where U found them?? or name of icon set Tank You!!
Do you mean this one? They come in 4 different colors.
Thank You!! so much now my desktop look better =D cheers!!
I like the icon set! Is it custom built or what? Thankyou!
no the cpu and modem icons are taken from here: the ram icon i don't remember where i took it from... sorry.
Thank you very much for providing a horizontal version :-) I just love it :)
No big deal i am just happy you liked it. thanks for the nice comments
Hey, you made some nice karamba, i like it :) Could you also do a horizontal version of it?
here it is.
here it is.
Hi, You have very KDEwish ;) wallpaper. I like it. Where can I download it???
he,I find it ;) on ;)
Can you please tell me who made it? I'd like to use it too.
I did a search for "Jennifer Love Hewitt" on DA, and found a similar one: