A-foto (afoto)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- Drag files, folders, WebCam or internet image URLs directly into the A-foto window.
- Choose one of 15+ beautiful frame styles.
- Control picture size and slideshow frequency.
- See A-foto in your language. (English, Spanish, French and Russian)
- Contribute your own frame styles.
- Extend functionality with your own plug-ins.
Visit http://code.google.com/p/a-foto/wiki/Welcome
Talk to us at #superkaramba channel on IRC.
Search for a-foto on kde-look.org - Get more frames.
Minimum Requirements:
- Python version 2.3.5
- SuperKaramba 0.41 (KDE 3.5.5)
Known Remaining Issues:
- Flickr plugin is NOT STABLE. It may delete all your files and burn the computer down. Make sure you have backups before dropping Flickr links onto A-Foto.
Thank you for helping improve a-foto by running afoto in console ('superkaramba afoto-1.6.skz') and sending ALL output to one of the authors.
1.6 (June, 2007)
- Fixed minor issues for users using file-based locking and signalling.
- Gave up trying to make DCOP-based locking and signalling work for everyone. Created LITE version that does checks on simple level, with hope of avoiding "Trying DCOP" hangs. If main package does not work for you, try LITE version.
1.6RC versions (February - April, 2007)
- added status message to startup procedure for easier bug-tracking.
- changed the "status" and "error" images to be more appealing.
- new feature: Edge-guard. Keeps photos from sliding beyond the edges of the screen.
- allow to use fractions of minutes.
- Plug-in support
- Internet (http-based) image and WebCam file plugin.
- Now, no "already running" message under Beryl/Compiz.
- Improved ordering mechanism. No more broken disorder when SK.quit()
1.5 (January 20, 2007)
- Added support for Unicode paths.
- bumped the required SK version to 0.41
1.5.rc (December 17, 2006)
- Starting a second instance of A-foto from SuperKaramba interface no longer breaks afoto. (As an unfortunate side effect, starting additional afoto instances by other means is not safe, hence the warning message inclusion.)
- A-foto settings now try to keep "historical priority." The last afoto closed will the the first opened.
- Introduced optimizations to skip unneeded image rotation / manipulation when not needed.
- Fixed problem with occasional improper EXIF-based orientation.
- Prepared the ground for enabling plug-in support for Flickr, webcam and other photo source variations.
1.5 beta versions (May - Jul 06)
- Enabled EXIF-based auto-rotation
- Added "Pile" frame style
- Enabled Unicode, Gettext-based translations
- Added Spanish and Russian translations.
- "recursive" scanning of dropped folders for images.
- Implemented centering of photos relative to the applet origin.
- This is an extensive rewrite with the goals of: simplification of photo sources management, and removal of visual and procedural imperfections.
- Now, there are 2 viewing modes: single photo (One photo stays forever.) and slide show (Shows photos from the dropped folder.)
- Picture frames now live in ~/.superkaramba/afoto/temas. Put YOUR custom themes there.
- Three new themes by Christian Kreibich
(list shortend for presentation purposes)
v1 (December 4, 2004)
Ratings & Comments
Extremely nice work, esp frames are good and works very nice with a real-wallpaper style wallpaper. Wooden frames need nails to complete realistic look, but I think I can do it myself.
Why animated gifs are shown as static?
Is possible put animated gifs in movement? thanks.
On Kubuntu (Python 2.5.1, SK 0.42) I get only this for the non-lite version (lite works fine). knt@laktok2:~/.superkaramba$ superkaramba ../KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 158 Major opcode: 146 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 158 Major opcode: 146 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device Afoto is loaded. sys.path.insert(0, '/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz') Using DCOP to test for presense of other AFoto instances. dcophelper imported Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Call to widgetClicked failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376 Error in sys.excepthook: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/apport_python_hook.py", line 42, in apport_excepthook binary = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), sys.argv[0])) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv' Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/knt/KDE-look/Superkaramba/afoto-1.6.skz/afoto.py", line 1417, in widgetClicked KeyError: 135830376
1) A-foto doesn't follow symlinks. 2) After some tries (with uninstalling A-foto from superkaramba) the widget installs itself with a size 1x1 [SIC].
SUX :(
Great widget, love it really except . . . . Every time that I boot into KDE I get the following error: "A-Foto is already running. Use main SuperKaramba window to start one more A-Foto." I get this error every time whether I have one image open or seven, doesn't matter. It runs ok once I remove all instances of A-Foto from the desktop, close SuperKaramba, open it back up again, and add A-Foto back to my desktop. It also makes no difference if I have SuperKaramba run on start up or if I start it after boot up. I do like this widget, I hope this works itself out sometime. Thanks for the good work. Peace, Gail
Beryl / Compiz ? Did you try the LITE version? Is it 3.x or 4.x line of kde? Unfortunately there are many ways to brake the applet. Let us know more about the system.
Greetings, KDE 3.5.6, no Beryl, no Compiz, just the vanilla Nvidia driver from the repository. Nothing fancy on this end. I'll try the lite version though I do hope it includes frames . . . . I will let you know if that works. I really do like this widget! Peace, Gail
Ok, I had to totally relocate all of the A-Foto files (including all of the .rc ones) from /.superkaramba before the Lite version would work. Then I installed Lite, placed photos on the desktop, rebooted and there's no error. There's also absolutely no photos either. So in a way the Lite version worked, there's no errors anyway. I still have to go through the same amount of work to have this widget on my desktop after a reboot though. Good luck with this, I hope this info helps in some way.
Hi, I've got the same problem. I'm trying to have just three photo on my desktop, but after I save the session manually, the next reboot I've got the "multiple instances" problem! I tried both normal and lite version. I really don't understand the problem!!! Tell mi if you more information. regards, scido
Greetings, I have had no luck getting any response at all about this and have given it up for a lost cause. Too bad really, the idea is great . . . . it just doesn't work. I can sympathize with a hobby project becoming more demanding than is pleasurable so I don't see this changing any time in the near future. I tried to find someone on the IRC channel mentioned but it was empty when I was hanging out. Would love to help as I can, whatever that may be. Peace, Gail
Hi guys I had the same problem, every time KDE was restartet, I got the error message ("...A-Foto is already running and you are trying to start another A-Foto instance in an incompatible way,..."), so I did what open source software is made for, I modified the source. Because I think I will never have the problem with two instances, I just commented out this error message. What you have to do: replace the lines 1209 till 1213 with the line "cleanStart = True". This new line has to have 2 leading tabs (python cares about them!)
I install a-foto in first and TWL after, and when i drag and drop images (png or jpg)nothing appears. Videos of my problems: http://arck0s.free.fr/Vids/a-foto.mpeg
I install a-foto in first and TWL after, and when i drag and drop images (png or jpg)nothing appears. Videos of my problems: http://arck0s.free.fr/Vids/a-foto.mpeg
Wow! Video bug report, neat! :) Sorry for the issues. Try the light version. And let us (me dd@accentsolution.com) know if there is a difference. If Lite version also doesn't work, try capturing the console output. Just start superkaramba from konsole and copy all the messages that appear when you run afoto. Also, take a look at Requirements page on our homepage. See that they are met
Hello, Thx for your interst of my bug. This is my log console: "[Arck0s@localhost ~]$ superkaramba Afoto is loaded. sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/share/apps/superkaramba/afoto-1.6-lite.skz') Archive: /usr/share/apps/superkaramba/afoto-1.6-lite.skz creating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/ inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/fr.po inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/make-mos.py inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/es.po inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/yourlanguage.pot inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/es.mo inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/ru.mo inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/fr.mo inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/locale/ru.po creating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/plugins/ inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/plugins/__init__.py inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/plugins/file.ini inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/plugins/file.py inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/plugins/webimage.py inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/plugins/webimage.ini creating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/ inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/inicio.png creating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/ inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_ab.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/do not delete this folder inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_ca.png extracting: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_ba.png extracting: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_bc.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_ba.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_aa.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_ac.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_cc.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_aa.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_bc.png extracting: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_ab.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_cb.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_ca.png extracting: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_cb.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/t_ac.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/a-foto/s_cc.png creating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/none/ inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/null.png inflating: /home/Arck0s/.superkaramba/afoto/afoto.ini commonConfig: cleanStart is True loaded File plugin loaded WebImage plugin sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/share/apps/superkaramba/afoto-1.6-lite.skz') Afoto is loaded. ['appConfig.demoteInstance', 'instance_0']" I try with lite version, but it doesn't work :'(
Hey and hello ;) i got these thing up and run by restarting superkaramba and so on - how do i manage to see a slideshow of my pictures then? As i see i was just able to see the picture i type in the path of at :"Change Path"
Drop a FOLDER with images on top of A-foto. (Hmm... "Edit location" menu entry should probably be hidden. It seems to confuse the users... Hmm...)
Well i am confused by the way A-Foto NOT display folders or pics that i DRAG and DROP in there - the only way to get it to work is to type in the path to a single file - I have Superkaramba v 0.39 .. can that be the problem? 0.41 it says inhere .. where can i get Superkaramba 0.41? I can only find v0.39 on http://netdragon.sourceforge.net ...
DnD is exactly the reason why SK 0.41 is required. SK v0.39 Could not handle the unicode chars in the dropped path names. But, you can always just give a path to a folder manually, using the same "Change Image Source" menu option.
Yes it works then and Afoto is a great desktop companion - but where can i get the sources for Superkaramba 0.41 ?
SuperKaramba is a part of KDE. The sources are in kdeutils section Just upgrade the KDE and you get the new SuperKAramba
What about an animated blend/fade between pictures? Currently it just switches to the next which seems a bit too rudimentary, given its otherwise polished style.
Hmmm.... I may be missing something, but rc7 doesn't seem to be keeping my settings. 1. Load A-foto 2. Configure as desired 3. Close A-foto 4. Restart A-foto 5. Back to default settings Here's the ini file: [common] temasversion = 20060720 localeversion = 20070301 pluginsversion = 20070226 supported = file, order = instance_0, instance_1 [instance_0] shadowsize = 18 limitlong = 0 locationY = 315 currentPath = /home/ron/docs/pictures/photo_album/Just Larissa/larissa2007c.JPG frame = metallic update = 0 resourcePath = file:///home/ron/docs/pictures/photo_album/Just Larissa/larissa2007c.JPG width = 261 maxsize = 130 associatedName = instance_0 locationX = 756 updateinterval = 120000 height = 218 [instance_1] shadowsize = 18 limitlong = 0 locationY = 158 currentPath = /home/ron/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/inicio.png frame = a-foto update = 0 resourcePath = file:///home/ron/.superkaramba/afoto/temas/inicio.png width = 264 maxsize = 180 associatedName = instance_1 locationX = 168 updateinterval = 120000 height = 285 I haven't had the time to look into it any further, but you can see that it didn't keep the settings for some reason. I'll try to check a little deeper tonight. BTW, I really like the thing and hope this is just my own fault.