Description: This monitor was completely redesigned from the tiny mon all-in-one monitor. I added a launch menu (you can go into the theme file with kwrite and change them or add new ones) changed the font size and style on the clock, added more hard disk info along with a percentage bar with them (you can change the mount names in the theme file) I also changed the size of the default font and added separators between each section of the monitors. I am currently trying to figure out how to put a trash icon on there that you can empty your trash from, comment to give me advice on how to do that. criticism is welcome. This was designed on a 1024X768 resolution monitor but I will try to get one for larger resolutions
KNOWN BUGS ----------------------------------------
1. The launch menu is a little laggy to bring up the program when clicking the icon. 2. I made the bars under the RAM and SWAP areas comments in the theme code because the bar was not accurately depicting the amount of memory left (it may be just my computer) but if you decide to make those appear, delete the pound key just before the tag and you might have to change the spacing
When I'm clicking the Home icon in the sidebar, an error message is coming "file:///home/justin" doesn't exist. How can I change the location to my name?
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When I'm clicking the Home icon in the sidebar, an error message is coming "file:///home/justin" doesn't exist. How can I change the location to my name?
Ignore this comment coz I have edited the .theme file and made changes.
How did you make your menubar transparent and have such a nice shadow?
I designed the menubar to be a part of the background and then just made kicker fully transparent.