Description: This is a "one-view" system monitor for quad core CPUs (intel & AMD). It provides information about CPU usage, system temperatures and fan speeds, network trafic, memory and disk usage. Also, it has a clickable area to control amarok2.
To use it, uncompress it and load Phenom-GT-Monitor.theme with superkaramba. You may want to open .theme file with your favorite editor and change mount points, network interface and sensors, to make it fit to your system. There are plenty of comments inside, explaining how to customize it. Into "image" folder, you will find a few more images and two backgrounds. Choose the one you like the most. Also, there is a Intel logo and icons for arch, debian,fedora, gentoo, kubuntu, opensuse & sabayon.
It is based on QuadMonitorClock and SigmaQuad.Last changelog:
Done a modded version of your theme for the 6 core CPU's, As well added the option for ati GPU users.
Plus added the Mandriva tux logo.
If anyone's interested?
If rangerGR dosnt mind I'll publish/post it.
Thank you, in the process of editing. The Fedora logo doesn't appear for me, the CPU fan and System fan temps do not appear ether; I have not edited them. Anything I have to install to get them working?
I've tried to add a 3rd HD but that doesn't seem to work either, any ideas?
For fedora icon, replace archK.png with fedora.png
For the temperatures section you must install and setup lm_sensors and hddtemp.
Then you must edit the theme to show your temperatures. The GPU temp will work only if you have a Nvidia card.
I suggest you to add the 3rd HD after GPU temp. You only have to change the "y=" value.
Ratings & Comments
Done a modded version of your theme for the 6 core CPU's, As well added the option for ati GPU users. Plus added the Mandriva tux logo. If anyone's interested? If rangerGR dosnt mind I'll publish/post it. Pete
Of course you can publish it. As I mention is the description, my theme is also based on two other themes.
This looks great but where are the comments you mention on how to customise it? I only have the theme and image folder but no comments/instructions.
Open Phenom-GT-Monitor.theme with your favorite editor and you can customize it. It is very simple, theme is divided into sections.
Easy for you but all new for me, what editors can I use?
Your favorite text editor. The theme is just a text file. You can use kate, kwrite etc
Thank you, in the process of editing. The Fedora logo doesn't appear for me, the CPU fan and System fan temps do not appear ether; I have not edited them. Anything I have to install to get them working? I've tried to add a 3rd HD but that doesn't seem to work either, any ideas?
For fedora icon, replace archK.png with fedora.png For the temperatures section you must install and setup lm_sensors and hddtemp. Then you must edit the theme to show your temperatures. The GPU temp will work only if you have a Nvidia card. I suggest you to add the 3rd HD after GPU temp. You only have to change the "y=" value.