This is a modified version of the Kubuntu edgy/feisty default KDM logon theme.
If you want to use other background, open kubuntu.xml, and edit the line
number 6, that looks like this:
[quote]<normal file="background.jpg" />[/quote]
I recommend to select a darker image, but it's just a piece of advice.
I have attached two other images, (background1.jpg and background2.jpg), try them out!

Thanks to the creators of the following(and included) images:
Erhm, yes, this is my work

Created By Kopias Csaba at 2007.07.26
I wanted to create a simple and elegant login screen, so thats why this borned.
I'm also want to create a splash screen, in the same design...
I hope you like it.
Ratings & Comments
Not bad! ;)
Thank you all!:)
Nice one, keep it going =)
could you make a splash to go with this I this alot...
Be patient!:) It's coming soon. If all good between a few days:)
I didn't see what you had written at the bottom sorry.. :D nice work...clean and simple