Panel Icons
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This are simple panel icons. It's nothing professional - I just uploaded this to share it with other people.
OpenLogos (Font):
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OpenLogos?content=54390 Last changelog:
OpenLogos (Font):
- added blue orb icon
- added gnome icon
- added simple ubuntu icon
- added two icons which are friends of my metacity theme 'CT-Simple' which can be found here:
- added 2 new icons
- reworked every icon
- added a second non scaled version of every icon
- deleted ubuntu panel iconsv2
Ratings & Comments
The arrow comes from your gtk theme. If you want to remove it, go to the folder of your gtk theme and searche an image called "arrow-up" or something simular - in my theme it's called "arrow-up.png". Replace this image with a transparent image and the arrow disappears. Btw: thanks everybody for 1000 downloads :)
I don't understand this arrow.. after resizing my panel it appeared again. This is very confusing.
Please forget what I was talking. :) Is it possible that your panel is at the top or on the left/right of your Desktop? If I put my panel there the arrow appears. If it is like this you could try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=733808 It's a Tutorial how to remove the arrow - I haven't tryed it, it's only a suggestion.
Thats a good question! I don't really know whats up with this arrow - sometimes there is one and sometimes not. I guess this may be depending on your gtk-theme!? I will ask google - if I find the answer I post it here.
No, I'm not using GnoMenu - it's the standard gnome menu. Just changed the icon.
How did you get rid of the arrow that Ubuntu puts there by default?
What menu are you using that icon with? GnoMenu?
i probably will not use it, but i really like it. Nice work.
Very good ! Thank You.
Looksvery nice, although super Vista-ish.